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As is always the case for this time of year, I will be taking a break for two weeks over the holiday period*. A big part of the reason for doing this is because a major lockdown has been announced for the UK and a number of my friends and family back over there are now isolated and alone for Christmas. So I'm going to be spending a lot of time online with them, this is especially important considering the mental health of some of them is already a bit shaken from the previous covid 19 lockdowns. There have already been some I know people lost over this year and I want to do my part to help the people I left back there.

As such; posting is on halt for now and will resume on the 8th of January. I will however be around in the discord and in the comments for this post for most of the duration. Please, take the time to connect with others, especially those who might be isolated during these times. (Note that the patreon messaging system is broken at the moment, so I am only responding to comments here).

There is one exception to this hiatus, I will be posting for the New Year with a short look back on what gaming in general has been like. Just a fun list of highs and lows based on personal opinion/experience. There will also be an announcement, but that's all I can write at this time.

Until then, have a good time and for those of you who celebrate Christmas, I hope it is as merry and joyful as it can be during these interesting time. Let us all look towards 2021 with hope and the promise that APG finally follows through on their timeline and delivers some fresh new content with substance.

Take care and be good people!

(*What this actually means is a break from submitting the posts, I will still; unfortunately, be writing them to get a little bit of a backlog set up.





Enjoy your break Fen, even though it’s weird one with all the lockdown stuff going on. Thanks for all the content the past year. Looking forward to a good 2021 with hopefully some new gameplay content to review.