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Latest Podcast goes into a whole bunch of different games being recommended for Christmas, both from lists and personal one recommendations and the Black Friday Update for KDM gets a critical look.


5: Christmas Cardboard (Kingdom Death Black Friday Update) by The Last Standee Podcast

Welcome to the last episode of 2020 of The Last Standee Podcast! This time, we have a chat about holiday games we play with the family (borrowing one of those holiday newspaper list articles), then we have kind of a loose chat about Kingdom Death: Monster Black Friday update.



Great Suggestions! I looked into Herd Mentality and bought it right away. Going to take it to a small family gathering before the holidays. Side note: The more I read & listen to your content, the more I realize how much bloat the Gambler's Chest really has in it & the fact that it's so many new ideas and unrevealed content all bundled together. Have a Happy Holiday Season!


Hopefully those ideas work out. But either way it's been bad for the Kickstarter and the consumers


Seeing how he has broken up Wave 3, in your opinion should he do the same for Wave 4 or release everything all at once?


My position is (and always will be) that a slow feed of constant content released every few months (new expansions, new campaigns, small update/changes) is better for the health of the game and the community over the binge and drought method which is sadly being employed in the latest kickstarter. However, it's just giving rival games in the genre all the space in the world to grow and surpass KDM, so it's got its bright spots for people like myself who prefer variety.

Ted Cogley

Can wait for my gamblers chest