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71. Found Relic

In what will turn out to be a theme for this batch. The relic in this section can turn out to be a  shiny rock. The -1 Movement Token inflicted for this is not too bad in most cases, there are certain builds (notably Dash/Cancel tanks and Phoenix DPS) that can be harmed by this roll. But most of the time the difference between 5 and 4 movement is negliable.

The real issue here is the Secretive Disorder, this doubles the amount of hunts it takes a weapon master to complete their journey. Let me tell you, as someone who is currently stuck on Stream with a Secretive Shield Master, it is a HUGE difference.

The Mask with living lips is the best result you can possibly  get here, giving you a free innovation (from a choice of three). There is also an interesting addition to the lore puzzle with the Final Lantern change. This mechanically is because a settlement cannot innovate anything new once the Watcher is dead (because other monsters are always the source of innovations in Monster), but it is also an insight into the metabolism of the Watchers. The Final Lantern is the thing that devours knowledge/memories in specific, we can see that right here because it eats the mask.

72. Something to Pass the Time

Given that most settlements will have symposium as soon as the possibly can, this event will be triggered more often than not. Typically this is going to strip a courage from the event revealer, but for settlements with Song of the Brave, that changes. This is because the higher rolls either give courage or cure disorders, both of which are quite welcome.

73. Golden Ember

You typically should push ahead and brave the smoke on this one, but when you are facing a particularly dangerous quarry (for example your first time facing an L2 version of a monster you have only faced as an L1 before). It is best that you reroll and get something else. The potential damage to head/body + disorder gain for 50% of the results is not a great set up for a hard fight, even if you gain +1 courage while doing so.

However, if you can afford that kind of risk, then the 6+ result does have some  great results. But you want to absolutely ensure that whoever rolls to investigate has a bonus to investigation rolls (or the settlement has SotF).

The best result here is the 5-8 result that gives +2 endeavors, but the 2-4 result is fine and 9-10 result is a decent way to get a Twilight Sword without having it inflicted on your best weapon users. It is also one of the only ways to get the Twilight Sword in Sun/Stars, so that's fun.

The most interesting part of this event is how it all foreshadows the Gold Smoke Knight. The truth is, this event should have been a fixed 'always happens' moment as a part of Lantern because it's the most revealing and telling hint of what is to come. When you have a campaign that hits Exploring the Crater, you get an insight into the GSK, what it is doing (burning the skulls of survivors to destroy the Watcher tainted knowledge) and also how it respects members of the Twilight Order because they share the same objective (destroying Watchers for the TO and destroying Watcher based technology for the GSK).

74. Antler-Gouged

Nothing super great here, torn muscle isn't too bad an injury (though being unable to Dash can sometimes really hurt, like facing the Sunstalker/Dragon King), but in exchange you get the same chance of getting a founding stone. If nothing else a founding stone = one resource of your choice (via a monster crit if you have HL control).

75. Oops

Apart from (once again) revealing that the Lanterns are alive (something we've known for a long time). This is one of many events that reiterate my point of 'always have a cheap, disposable piece of gear in your grid''. Losing a key gear card for a 9 card build is a nightmare. So stick with 8 card builds where possible.

76. Dream the Way

A fine event to hit, there's a small bonus if you have a savior (because dreams) and there is no downside whatsoever to failure. Either you get a bonus reroll for the hunt (2 or more 10s) or you might get +1 insanity. 

Sometimes, stuff happens, and if it's small, that's a respite.

77. Sinkhole

This is another one of these covenant breaking events that just betray both the player and the design of the game. The only way to really be inoculated against this event is to have 2 whips in the party and Otherworldly Luck on everyone. 

And to be honest. To be completely honest. This event sucks that much that it's not overkill to do that. Seriously, screw this event. The 1 result is an absolute campaign ending moment, often costing 3+ hunts worth of gear and at times just causing players to outright give up (or ignore the result).

Yeah, sure, sometimes you get +1 population, but unless you are desperate (or very early in the campaign), population is worth a lot less than gear.

Just bring along a whip, always.

78. Dead Great Game Hunter (Podcast)

A nice little call to the Great City, this is another event where a Whip comes in really handy because you can interact with the body without  having much chance of suffering a downside.

Truth is, without a whip this one is not worth bothering with because it's +1 courage for a chance at having an arm dismembered. and it's also negative 40% of the time in exchange for +1 courage and either a death benefit or... Frenzy drink. Woo.

79. Dying Small Prospector

A sweet little acknowledgement of the game which created the hunt phase, the Dying Small Prospector is an almost complete rip-off/tribute of the Dying Dwarf Prospector from 1995s Warhammer Quest event. 

I've mentioned it before, but to reiterate, the hunt phase from KDM is the Travel Phase from Warhammer Quest, but switched about a bit. 

This bit of history aside, the Portcullis Key is amazing, be happy if you roll this and even happier if you get it in multiples. We'll come back to this one later.

80.  Lovelorn Rock

We now have the actual rock in card form thanks to the Gigalion white box (it's the second best thing in that box after the survivor miniatures). This is an odd one as the rock isn't really cursed, but it kind of behaves like it is. 

Generally once you have the rock (with the Gigalion expansion), you're stuck with a heavy piece of gear in your grid, but you can lose/trade/archive it unlike normal cursed gear.

Overall this is one of the more fun punishments in the game and I'm pretty OK with its existence. 


  • Whip: 6
  • Sickle: 4
  • Pickaxe: 4
  • Cannibalize: 1
  • Graves: 1
  • Survival of the Fittest: 4
  • Accept Darkness: 1
  • Collective Toil: 1
  • Memento Mori: 2
  • Symposium: 2
  • Language: 1
  • Sculpture: 2
  • Drums: 1
  • Song of the Brave: 2
  • Hovel: 1
  • Pictographs: 2
  • Heavy Punishment: 1
  • Noisy Punishment: 5
  • Fragile Punishment: 4
  • Binge Eating Punishment: 3
  • Soluble Punishment: 1
  • Twilight Sword Punishment: 1
  • Insane Punishment: 3
  • Consumable benefit: 4
  • Deaf benefit: 2
  • Disorder Benefits: 2
  • Investigate: 9
  • Straggler: 8
  • Crazed: 1
  • Leader: 3
  • Strategist: 1
  • Hours Ring: 1
  • Savior: 2




As always I love these little looks into each event and I can't wait to see the final tally for everything.


73 is the second hunt event that can give you a Twilight Sword, right? Events where you can gain the TS might be another good thing to list for future reference.