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51. Refugees

This one is a bit poorly worded, it's not clear if the Leader section of the text requires Language & Symposium (logically it should, but this game often fails logic tests, so that is no help).

Still, if you do have those two innovations, this is a very good event, getting to see (and arrange) the first 5 AI cards means you can determine what the monster is going to do in the first turn and also what AI cards you are going to get to archive as wounds. 

Typically you'll be able to archive 1-3 AI cards, so I would order the deck with 1, 4 and 5 as being the AI cards you don't mind the monster performing (especially 1 and 4) , with the aim of scoring 2 wounds in the first turn. If you have access to devastating 1 then you're much more likely to score 3 wounds, so move the other AI card you want to see happen to slot 5.

The reason for this is to do with behavior curation. The monster's actual AI is determined by the cards it draws and plays over the first pass of the deck. Once you have completed the deck, you know what kind of monster you are dealing with (aggressive lion, back kicking antelope etc etc). So this event lets you somewhat curate the first 2 AI cards that the monster will perform.

The leader bonus is very strong also, and it is a good argument for trying to field a leader whenever possible. There are no relevant drawbacks to having as large a population as you can manage.

52. Madflies

Aside from being an absolutely disgusting event, this one is not a major deal and because it is one of those random things happen, nothing you can do about it, there is not much to say here. It sucks if your main tank gets -1 evasion tokens, but most of the time you're getting either +1 insanity or Frenzy. Now Frenzy is also problematic on the wrong kind of survivor, but it is something you can handle against many monsters, the main drawback is the loss of survival actions. Knowing that is what's happening at the start of the fight is a lot easier to deal with than when it happens in the middle of one.

53. Mask Salesman

This event can be "tutored" for by a Romantic settlement who has passed Overwhelming Darkness and it's one of the best events in the game. Scored early on this has a 1/6 chance of giving you a Death Mask, which will hand you resources galore, but also the Phoenix, Antelope and Lion Masks have a lot of powerful applications. So really it's only the God Mask and the Man Mask (which I always draw) that are kind of duff, and even then they are nothing to be scoffed at.

Overall, this is an event you should encounter once per campaign (because picking Barbaric is way worse than Romantic in every campaign situation, Romantic is strictly better, and Mask Salesman is strictly better than Legendcaller).

Great event, one of the best in the game and getting a mask is worth the price you pay. I always carry one disposable/cheap gear card per grid in order to pay for events like this.

54. Bone Storm

A simple gear check event, do you have no fragile gear and decent armor? Brave the storm. Otherwise wait it out. Waiting it out is often the right answer even if you could brave the storm, because two new basic hunt events is better than 3 hit locations taking 1 event damage in exchange for +1 courage.

55. Mudslide

An absolute PITA of an event to deal with, this one has a whip bonus but unlike most whip events it helps the whip wielder, not the other survivors.  This is straight up a very frustrating situation because other whip based hunt events encourage you to put your whip on your least important survivor.

This event punishes the heck out of fragile/soluble gear as well, trashing all of it 70% of the time. But there is little you can do if you hit this event outside of rerolling it and getting a new one. The only other strategy there is would be to load up fragile support gear onto your Whip owning survivor.

You do at least own one Rawhide Whip right? Right?

56. Dead Monster

There's not much to say about this one really, either you have 3+ Understanding and no squeamish disorder (there's little to no control over that second one, squeamish is just a disorder you live with) and you get to ambush the monster. Or you lose 1 survival and can't consume, as there are precious few relevant consume gear cards anyway, this is mostly a survival loss early on and later on it's just a free ambush. So negative event early game, positive mid to late game.

57. Gorm's Laughter

It's nice when a core game thing links to an expansion, while this link is merely thematic here it does provide a nice bit of world building along with a bit more of an insight into the Gorm species. (We know the most about Gorms, Sunstalkers, White Lions and the Dragon King currently).

This event hurts a LOT if you get it early in a hunt and there is little you can do to mitigate it, especially because it isn't safe to run a full deaf party at any time.

58. Scent on the Wind

Randomly makes the hunt phase longer or shorter, randomly gives you a chance to ambush or be ambushed. A literal coin flip event. 

59. Signs of Battle

You should ALWAYS be investigating this one because of the 8+ result giving you a random basic resource. Every single basic resource you draw from the deck improves the quality of the draws you get from winning the showdown fight. While there is a 20% chance that you'll suffer an ambush, you should be very capable of handling ambushes, even if they result in your weakest survivor being hit first.

60. Wildfire

Do you like randomness? Well you're getting it now and lots of it! 

However, when you are using cards like Object of Desire, Fade, Dead Warrior and Sword in the Stone. The Wildfire increases the chances of seeing those cards significantly. It's not so bad then. 

Most of the time what this event does is effectively increase the length of the hunt and the variance during it.


  • Whip: 4
  • Sickle: 3
  • Pickaxe: 2
  • Cannibalize: 1
  • Graves: 1
  • Survival of the Fittest: 1
  • Accept Darkness: 1
  • Collective Toil: 1
  • Memento Mori: 1
  • Symposium: 1
  • Language: 1
  • Sculpture: 2
  • Drums: 1
  • Song of the Brave: 1
  • Hovel: 1
  • Pictographs: 1
  • Heavy Punishment: 1
  • Noisy Punishment: 5
  • Fragile Punishment: 3
  • Binge Eating Punishment: 3
  • Soluble Punishment: 1
  • Twilight Sword Punishment: 1
  • Consumable benefit: 3
  • Deaf benefit: 1
  • Disorder Benefits: 2
  • Investigate: 7
  • Straggler: 5
  • Crazed: 1
  • Leader: 3
  • Strategist: 1



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