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As mentioned previously a couple of times on this patreon, the kickstarter for Fearsome Wilderness went live yesterday. The designer is a friend of the patreon and I highly recommend that you check out the game and if you do decide to back, let them know I sent you!

I wrote a review on the game after I got to play a review copy around a dozen times. You can read my review of it over here on BoardGameGeek. I absolutely love the action dice mechanic employed, and it is a very tight, enjoyable cooperative experience that plays in a reasonable time. They also have a very consumer friendly distribution plan so you can find the experience you want for the backer price you want. That is something I approve of greatly, especially given how predatory some kickstarters have become.


Fearsome Wilderness: the board game & miniatures collection

Geektopia Games is raising funds for Fearsome Wilderness: the board game & miniatures collection on Kickstarter! a tabletop gaming experience crafted for gamers, hobbyists, and horror fans alike.


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