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31. Strange Path

In general terms, the upsides of taking this lantern marked path, are significantly higher than the negatives. The main draw is the +1 understanding for the event revealer. However, the have to accept that there is potentially some punishment coming - but scoring those extra basic resources is worth the risk (the giant finger really sucks though - just ask Zachary).

In addition, if the party has a survivor with the honorable disorder, then the 10 result is a very a positive because it allows you to remove honorable while also getting that sweet ambush result. Now there are a couple of places where being honorable is a positive, so if you have an honorable tank you might not want to roll on this table at all, but an honorable DPS would very much appreciate the change to remove that disorder.

32. Sudden Madness

Another one of the 'no decisions, just chance and punishment' type events that occur in many Ameritrash games (KD:M being one of the Ameritrash giants in all aspects). In essence this card exists to punish departing with high insanity. Considering how powerful insanity abuse is, that's a fair card to have around, but that doesn't mean its interesting, even with that slight bonus for the Crazed fighting art.

33. It Whispers Your Name

One of the key design principles of APG is to force murder onto the timeline as many times as possible in order to force character turnover and create pressure/conflict. Now of course, because of the very poor design of the Murder card, the general response from the community is to toss the murder in a small, dark corner of the attic and pretend it doesn't exist. (Good decision to be honest). 

But IWYN (It Whispers Your Name) exists in part to try and get murder to come back and visit you. It's one of several hunt events which can manage this, but fortunately this one only does it if you have a survivor with the Marrow Hunger impairment out hunting. Generally it's best to NOT use Marrow Hunger Hunters because they are so closely tangled up with murder that they often end up being the target of it anyway (I use Marrow Hunger survivors exclusively as murder bait). 

This means most of the time this card is +1 understanding if you are not insane, and if you are insane; it is 1 brain damage for everyone else and a great make out session with a sexy pebble for you.

34. Crippling Misery

Oh boy this one is a nasty event, the straggler(s) end up getting a broken leg and +1 understanding. I don't know if you've checked, but broken legs are very hard to heal in this game because beds do not work on them... yay. Just another reason why that innovation is a bit of a trap.

In addition to that, if you have binge eating you're suddenly at risk of dying because a lot of vermin cards tend to be quite lethal. Yeah, this is a tough situation to find yourself in. It's best that the survivors just don't roll this one.

35. Broken Lantern Oven

This has the potential to be one of the events that foreshadows the arrival of the Watcher, because it is clear that this is a settlement that has had the Lantern Horde pop open and the Watcher has come out. As we can see, Watchers just decimate settlements when they are successful and having the bodies of their victims crumble away when touched shows how they erase signs of settlements and survivors.  But hey, while you've seen a glimpse of the horror ahead, at least you might get a free Lantern Oven from this if you haven't already gained it.

I do not think visiting the Lantern Horde is worth it most of the time. This is because Apathetic is one of the most crippling disorders in the game. However, if you could remove it next settlement phase with Trepanning, you can consider taking the risk, cause crab spider vermin are a nice hit.

36. On the Trail & 37. Lost

Not much to say about these two, the first lets you skip forward and possibly ambush the monster (as long as you have no noisy gear, which almost no-one ever does) and the secon done basically reads 'enjoy 2 more basic hunt events, woo'.

They're just filler events, any table this size needs them.

38. Gregalope

It's Old Greg! This event gives you a chance of scoring additional movement, if you already had high movement to start with (Harvestman anyone?) But the really interesting stuff happens if you have got the Strategist fighting art, because you get to face the Gregalope. A more erratic and dangerous monster than the normal L2 Screaming Antelope, with a few extra rewards. 

A lot of the time, if you were not planning to hunt a screaming antelope this isn't really a great deal. But, this is one of the ways you can get access to screaming antelope resources even in a campaign with Spidicules replacing it. So situationally this is really cool, especially because Strategist is something that can be 'tutored' via your principles.

39. Heavy Mist

Much like several entries in this number range, this hunt event is filler. You have a 50% chance of ending up drawing another hunt event and if the monster is in the next space it gets to ambush. Not much to say or do about this one. 

Would have been nice if having certain lanterns or things gave you options, but as mentioned before, tables this large sometimes need filler.

40. Dream

If you have been sensible and not taken the Twilight Sword out, this event is rather beneficial for 3+ courage survivors and a mild punishment for others.  However with the Twilight Sword in the mix (why did you bring it out again? Why?) You get Murder turning up 1d5 years from now. 

If this happens, you have no-one to blame but yourselves. Better get a murder bait savior online asap!



  • Whip: 3
  • Sickle: 2
  • Pickaxe: 1
  • Cannibalize: 1
  • Graves: 1
  • Survival of the Fittest: 1
  • Accept Darkness: 1
  • Collective Toil: 1
  • Memento Mori: 1
  • Sculpture: 2
  • Drums: 1
  • Song of the Brave: 1
  • Hovel: 1
  • Pictographs: 1
  • Noisy Punishment: 5
  • Fragile Punishment: 1
  • Binge Eating Punishment: 1
  • Twilight Sword Punishment: 1
  • Consumable benefit: 3
  • Deaf benefit: 1 
  • Disorder Benefits: 2 
  • Investigate: 5
  • Straggler: 5
  • Crazed: 1
  • Leader: 1 
  • Strategist: 1



Evil Midnight Lurker

Wait, isn't it mathematically impossible to roll a 1 on Strange Path?


Not 100% sure if these kind of mechanisms exist but it can be 1 if something prevents you from gaining understanding or if something gives you minus to your rolls etc.