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It's time to take a look at all the things we stand on, hide behind and search through! Yeah, that's right, Terrain is now going to get its time in the lantern light and yes, there is a fair bit to talk about because as any veteran war gamer will tell you, the right terrain can turn the tide of battle.

I'm going to be breaking this series up a little differently from normal, I want to keep each piece of terrain separate, with its own post. But because the content for each terrain entry will be a bit lighter, I'll be releasing 1-3 posts on the same day depending on the amount of time it takes to write each one. That includes today.

We're going to take a look at the stats, the various ways these pieces of terrain are triggered, the strategies each one in involved in, typical deployment locations for them and even a little bit of flavor/lore where appropriate.


Note: Links will go live when the articles are published.

I would like to also take a moment to thank patron Emporium Miniatures for the supply of the terrain sculptures you will see in these articles, they have been an exceptional shop with excellent service and I will be separately reviewing all of the terrain I purchased from them, once I have the full set cleaned and painted. You will be seeing these painted pieces during this series.

Emporium Miniatures can be found at the following link:  https://www.etsy.com/shop/EmporiumMiniatures 



Thanks Fen! Great paint jobs as usual!