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Here's the full collection of reference cards for all the unique monsters in the game at the moment. It includes not just the legendary monsters, but also the final nemesis monsters for People of the Stars and People of the Sun. I have wanted to go back and sort these out for a while because they got updated in 1.5, had the wrong backdrop crests and also I didn't do the Basic Action portions of the cards or set them up for bleed printing.

The following are contained in the attached zip files:

  • White Lion - Beast of Sorrow (Elder Council)
  • White Lion - Great Golden Cat (Butcher/Mask Maker)
  • Screaming Antelope - Gregalope (Hunt Event)
  • Screaming Antelope - Mad Steed (Butcher/Mask Maker)
  • Phoenix - Golden Eyed God of 1000 Years (Butcher/Mask Maker)
  • Dung Beetle Knight - "Tom" The Old Master (Storytelling)
  • People of the Sun - Final Nemesis
  • People of the Stars - Final Nemesis

I have not done full showdown pages because I hope that APG sort all of this out officially in Campaigns of Death. If they don't I'll have to return to these a third time and update them when Campaigns of Death lands.

The advantage of doing this is, a bit later we're going to take a look at each of the legendary monsters and discuss them in some detail!

I have buried the final nemesis monsters for Sun/Stars inside their own sub folder to conceal story spoilers (They have different names than you'd expect, which are somewhat spoilerish), but if you print them, you will need to spoiler that.

You will find that The Old Master in particular is different to the text in the book. The traits and cards listed on my reference card here are the current correct ones as per feedback provided by Zachary Barash (one of the AI programmers for the Dung Beetle Knight and the chap who fixed it after Adam's first drafts), the book was missing traits and referenced a card that did not exist. I have also updated everything to include Indomitable and the other traits that changed from 1.31 -> 1.5.


Edit: Updated images to fix typos. 




Is this still relevant after the 1.6 update?


This is fantastic! Having to refer to the books to check the stats is a definite pain in the neck, thanks for providing a solution!


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