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I'm curious how many of you have played with the Gigalion and your experiences with the Vicious trait.

Poll ends Friday, if you have any other comments on the vignette's other elements, please do make them here. Likewise if you do use house rules on this one, let me know what they are (for vicious or anything else Giggles related).




I'd be interested in seeing how you would fix the Gigalion Fen. Not just the Vicious trait, but also the gear, the stats and the rewards. I played it twice now with Vicious as written, but I think I would rather not use it like that in the future. So a professionally made replacement would be nice.


We have it "house ruled" so instead of it just wedging its face in a corner when surrounded it will break through the path of least resistance in a way that it will end its move as far from as many survivors as possible. I can see how to some this fight could feel like another antelope but with some clarifications and edits this fight could be a real nailbiter. The biggest weakness of it I see is the lack of merciless I believe, if you crit his paw the whole thing that makes him even a challenge is gone and it becomes easier than a lv1 lion