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First of all, I have been exceedingly ill this week as my own health issues have developed and worsened. It is a struggle to keep food down right now as I constantly feel nauseated - so it is difficult to find periods where I can write (thankfully I do not have to talk/record videos). We are considering if it is time for an emergency trip to the hospital, but given the issues with Covid-19 we are hoping that this is just a temporary thing and we can hold out until I can afford to cover the costs for a private consultation - there is a place in Germany which apparently specializes in the area in which I am having difficulty, but going there at the moment just isn't an option, travelling while Covid-19 is still heating up is very unwise.

That aside, I thought over the next few weeks I would spend a bit of time providing some recommendations of things you can do while social distancing. Just a paragraph or two on each item, enough to give you an idea if its your thing or not, we'll cover video games this week, TV shows next week and then solo board games (and maybe unusual/cultish films and youtube channel series if there is demand, there's plenty I can recommend because I consume a lot of media while painting and writing). 

Wildermyth - Steam 


I have written my recommendations in full about this one previously, the game continues to engage and hold during its development period. More here. 

Journey to the Savage Planet - Epic Store / PS4


A first person metroidvania with a heavy emphasis on exploration and a cruel, satirical sense of humor. JttSP can be enjoyed solo or with a friend and its combination of bright graphics, sharp dialog, critique of capitalism and constant, steady improvement of your abilities keeps you coming back.

This is not a long game, though if you play it on console you may well play it 2-3 times for all the achievements, but it is one that will stick with you and is great enjoyment for the price.

The Outer Worlds - Epic Store (due on Steam later this year)


This RPG from Obsidian Entertainment (a company formed with some of the original Fallout creators, they gave us the only good Bethesda Fallout Game with New Vegas - can recommend you play that one also) is another entry into the "Space Capitalism" satirical critique. With a very open ended set of ways to solve situations, great character development options and hugely endearing NPC party members, this game is a gem from start to finish. If you've played any of the Bethesda style Fallout games, you know what to expect here mechanically (it even has a version of VATS for combat), but the setting is bright and writing is a much higher standard than Fallout 3/4 could manage.

Dauntless - Epic Store / PS4 / XBox /  - Free to Play


The free monster hunting game, while Monster Hunter: World (can also recommend) is the superior game overall, Dauntless offers a lighter more arcade style experience that is more accessible and significantly faster. There are six different types of of weapons to choose from and the Behemoth (monster) designs are absolutely superb.

The game is free to play, so the usual warning about microtransactions is worth considering, however purchases are typically for cosmetic items, not in game.

In the same vein, if you have the money, Monster Hunter: World offers a deep, long experience with exceptional combat that feels weighty. But sadly the online/multiplayer design of Monster Hunter is complete ass, you have to jump through hoops at times to enjoy playing with others (waiting for cut sequences

Rusty Lake Series - Steam / Flash games


Weird, intriguing, grim and unpleasant without being visually "disgusting", this series revolves around the history and story of Rusty Lake. The first few parts can be found for free online at flash game sites such as Kongregate (another great place to spend time, hundreds of good little flash games there and they even have achievements to give you goals and focus). The rest are on steam.

The entire experience is weird and engaging as heck, dipping into a combination of mystery, magic, murder and multiple generations - all centered around, or involved with this lake.  There's also a Van Gogh episode, and it's quite good.

One Finger Death Punch 1 & 2


Available on Steam or as a Phone App. This "two button" rhythm game is the best stick man fighting game I have played. Considering it boils down to 'press the right or left button correctly at the right time) the game has surprising levels of complexity and difficulty. There is a full "story" mode for each game along with survival options that will keep you going for hours and hours.

The animations are the main draw for me, it is some of the most satisfying computer based martial arts I have seen.

Planescape: Torment 


This roleplaying game from 1999 remains one of the greatest works of fiction ever made. You awaken on a slab in a morgue, with no memory or knowledge of who you are. Only the tattoos on your back, read to you by a floating skull, give you any indication of your past. You are The Nameless One, you cannot die, and you seek to find out why this is.

This game has more text than most books, it is deep, thoughtful and philosophical in a way that its cousin Baldur's Gate never managed. You will journey through multiple realms, discovering how your past lives affected, impacted and changed many on your quest to discover who you are and were. 

A masterpiece of its time, only the slightly clunky combat shows its dated nature.

Vampire: The Masquarade Bloodlines


With a sequel to this game finally coming out later this year. It is worth taking the time to discover just why the original game is so beloved. Based on the roleplaying game that spawned a thousand wannabe gothick vampires; Bloodlines gives you an engaging story with memorable characters and replayability because of how certain vampire clans change how you experience the game.  

There are some rough patches, a portion of the game loses the depth of roleplaying and character interactions that make the experience so good, reducing down to nothing more than running through tunnels and fighting/fleeing. But that is not sufficient to hold against the rest of the game. I wish I had been old enough to play this one in 2004 when it was first released. 

Divinity: Original Sin 1 & 2



Wonderful worlds, turn based combat, massive freedom of character design along with a story and characters that engage. Both of these days tell separate stories in the same world, the first game is a one or two player experience, but the second game offers room for more players.

These games hold up for multiple plays (especially 2) with their flexible character building, strong stories, multiple endings (in 2) and harder difficulties. They also take many, many hours to complete.

Subnautica & Subnautica: Below Zero


Not recommended for anyone with thalassophobia; these two games set in the same world (one after another) offer an experience almost unlike anything any other game offers. At the start of Subnautica you crash land on am aquatic world with nothing more than a survival pod and replicator to help you get going. You will have to hunt, gather and craft everything you need to survive as one tries to find a way off the planet.

I adored this game so much that I based my Dragon King's paint scheme loosely on the Reaper Leviathan (still one of the most awesome and terrifying creature designs out there). 

Cultist Simulator


Discovery. The joy of playing Cultist Simulator lays within the discovery of combinations and gradually coming to understand how everything pieces together. This card game from the creator of Fallen London/Sunless Seas is a slow, clunky experience that can be frustrating at times, but if you persist with it long enough to understand how its engines work then it is a very rewarding and absorbing experience.

Sunless Seas & Sunless Skies


Ever fancied being the captain of a ship in an underground sea, or the driver of a sky train up in amongst the stars? This top down exploration game is slow and methodical in its approach, you will spend long times just travelling around at a somewhat sedate pace in between destinations. Time to paint, contemplate or just immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the world.

This is set in a place of mystery, horror and existential nightmare. A world where insanity and terror is just a thin hull away from you and your crew. But this is just one aspect of the game, the meat lays within the stories, each place you visit has multiple aspects to it that you will unveil over time and exploration. Your presence will chance each place as you travel around, seeking your ultimate goal.

For the King - Epic and Steam


Playing like a mix between a rogue-lite, a Japanese turn based RPG and a board game. In this game for 1-3 players you will take a merry band of three adventurers on a bunch of different quests.  With multiple different classes, a huge amount of unlocks, tons of different pieces of gear and a wide selection of difficulties - you can come back to this one again and again. 

It has a hex based map movement system where you travel around, either exploring to see what is out there, or heading towards specific quest points. Combat takes place either with all adventurers and monsters within a certain radius or during dungeons (which are room after room) and involves a max of 3v3 combatants. The game is harsh, especially on the higher difficulties, and it can teach one a lot about the important of specializing your characters.  

With multiple different stories, this one can keep you going for a long, long time.

Also it is worth noting that the Epic store hands out free games each week, even if you are not willing to support them by purchasing things (which is fair), there is free stuff you can get to try out and keep. Yeah Epic's store front is ass, and they're not a great company. But to be honest, none of the large companies in the video games industry are good - it happens in board games as well, see CMON and Asmodee (for example).

I have more video game recommendations I can make soon if people would like them!



Take care Fen. Wish you good luck.


Thanks for these recommendations, I haven't looked at computer games for a while but now is definitely the time. Good luck with the health stuff!! :(