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Hi all, very quick one here, after I asked you all to provide various concerns about balance, rules ambiguities, game breaks or similar I collated everything together and sent it in to Adam.  The original post is over here. He has expressed his thanks and appreciation for this (I hope that he understands that it is not all just from me, I did try and make it clear that it was also from you guys collectively).  It has all been passed to the design team for them to review - I simply put forward the areas where there were things that seem problematic for the internal team(s) to look at and decide if they are happy with them or not.

 In addition; I would like to bring your attention to the comment from Max Serafin

"Talked to a playtester who told me despite perma-insanity from Husk/Stark-Raving, Gloom Man still only kicks in at 5+ insanity. "

My source has confirmed that this is (currently) the case, and I agree with that if it is what is going to happen because it is consistent with how the game would work when you have two clashing rules. So, I now consider this a (99% likely) official rule (as official as you get without it coming from Twitter or the Kickstarter) and also an elegant solution to the Gloom Man problem. It is expected we will see this clarified in Campaigns of Death or in an updated FAQ, until then use it as a very good "house" rule. 

Custom Content Continues!

In respect to custom content, work on Project Hotdog continues, I am concentrating on getting all the early game stuff sorted right now with the aim of having the framework for a working campaign together before getting into the more setting specific portions. However, there is a self contained release of material which is an optional extra for the setting coming out tomorrow (because it links to all the official monsters and contains zero spoilers for Hotdog). 

Creating these things takes a fair amount of time out of Project Hotdog's main development time though*, so expect to see them only occasionally when they are self contained enough that they can be released.

*Just putting together the pages for this one took three days, phew.

Contents Page & Tags

I am working on the Contents page for the patreon, you may have already noticed that the tags are (gradually) being cleaned up. Because Patreon now allows for pinning of a post, I can get a contents page sorted and keep it updated. I wish there was an automatic version for this, but Patreon doesn't even have a preview option for posts yet.

Instagram - ( https://www.instagram.com/fenpaints/ )

I am working on a fresh set of KDM models for my personal use after finding a home for my old set. We're going in a very different direction this time, with a more Zeen Chin inspired look for the monsters (bright colours, unusual colour schemes) and here are a few of the releases so far.

Gold Smoke Knight (Really an Olive/Green Smoke Knight)

Went with a very bright, striking look for this chap because I am tired of the endless parade of gold ones. It's based on the Purple/Green/Orange trifecta of complementary colors with a deep low energy fire. There are places I want to go back and push the OSL more, but that can be done in the future.

This is the first time I'm happy with how this big land guardian elemental knight looks.


There is very heavy texturing of the cloth on these new survivors. One of my least favourite parts of the original survivors is the absurdly high amount of folds that are in their robes. It's ridiculous, somewhat ugly and removes most options for freehand. I so desperately hope that these four get a do-over with a new set of sculpts because they look tiny compared to the newer stuff that's coming out.

Still, until then I'm going to keep on working on getting these sorted. I have three females to paint (along with the White Lion, Antelope and Butcher) before we can start playing a fresh new campaign and I have to fit those in between commission work.

Now for some WIPS

WIP of the Starry Night inspired White Lion.

Very slow work on this one as I have to keep going back and referring to how the light should be hitting its purple -> gold mane.

One which has not been released on Instagram yet. 

The Screaming Antelope.

Glazing with additional colours is going to be a large part of this piece, all you see here is the baseline colours of plum, violet and olive/yellow. Because I use glazing a lot in my work I push the contrast very highly early on. To demonstrate this, here's what Allister looked like pre-glazing.

You can see how high the contrast levels are, that's because I know I'm glazing 15-20 (or more) times to smooth everything out and doing that will pull everything towards the middle. You can also see the originally strong olive undertones that the robes have a lot more clearly here.

WIP of the Phoenix

This one is based on the "official" (Hit Location & Gear) colour scheme and I'm doing it to just get over how much I dislike painting this model (plus practice freehand on the skin). I'll probably let it go to a private collector eventually.

Personal Health

In other news (in respect of transparency), my mysterious food related health condition has taken a severe nosedive over the past couple of weeks, we are seeking a referral with the hospital right now as I am struggling to eat food. We're not sure if we will have to pull together the money to go private or not until after we try for this referral. I'm still bewildered that no doctor wants to solve this mystery, but we have a chance to see fresh new people this time.

I am working on getting a good backlog of posts up so there is less pressure if I have to go to appointments or have treatment/surgery (be prepared!). So, if I forget to respond to things (or have done in the past 3-6 months) it is because of this struggle (recently even sitting has been painful on occasion). Honestly, I somewhat worry about suddenly disappearing from here due to being hospitalized, which is not something that someone my age should ever be concerned with.

Take care all, custom content post coming tomorrow!



Thx for the effort. Best whishes and hopes for the health stuff.


Fingers crossed for your health issues! And hopefully +1 understanding at APLLC.