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Here's a simple cheat sheet I put together a while ago that surmises one of the more direct routes to becoming strong in the Early Game for Kingdom Death. It took a lot longer to put together than it looks. This is just core game only, but a lot of it applies even when you have the expansions in because it's only the Gorm that really changes the early game.

If this one is a hit, I'll make similar sheets for each of the monsters, providing text/visual summaries for the highlights of each, plus their gear!

And just remember, this is not the only route to success, there are others and if you choose to use them good for you! One doesn't have to play 'meta' to have a good time in this game and understanding what makes the meta choices preferred helps you make your personal choices stronger as a result! 




Fen, thank you so much for this. Really like it. I fully understand your first comment upper left corner: do not innovate during LY 2-3 This is how we played it the last 12 months and it was indeed beneficial. However we started PotS a few week ago and now we have some doubts about it. Maybe some innovations would have been helpful earlier ?


oops :-) I was talking about the People of the Stars campaign


So, with 1.6 changes anything here changed ?