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For those of you who are interested. This is your first solid chance to really get a good look at what's going to be on offer, seeing that AI and HL slots on the Primordial Dashboard gets me very excited indeed. This one is certainly going to be part of the same 'boss monster' genre that Kingdom Death is in.

Alternative link here:   https://tinyurl.com/yyecf22b 

As before, Aeon Trespass: Odyssey is not currently going to replace the Monday/Friday KD:Monster updates, it will be additional content. KDM Post coming tomorrow!


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Assemble yourself miniatures? Are they going to have a prof reader? Already saw some mistakes. Other than that looking forward to more updates!


They are going to be in HIPS plastic afaik, which means they will be like KDM. The resin ones I have required assembly. I don't know if they will employ an editor.


Coolio! Keep up the great work Fen! I’m getting painting envy from seeing all your work on them!