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I am absolutely thrilled to announce that the wonderful guys over at Into the Unknown Studios are going to be collaborating with me with some Aeon Trespass content! They are sending me a copy of the Prelude demo game in the next week or two and I'll be able to spill the beans on everything about that.

For those of you who are not yet aware of Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO from now on), it is another game in the Boss Monster campaign style that KDM birthed. Here's the pitch for the game:


Aeon Trespass: Odyssey is a 1-4 player campaign game about adventures, exploration and fierce battles with giant monsters. It’s a co-operative, choice-driven boardgame experience played over multiple sessions.

Set in an alternate Antiquity, where a reality-shattering cataclysm killed the Olympian gods and unleashed the otherworldly Primordials, Aeon Trespass: Odyssey places the players in the roles of Argonauts, the only people who can fight off the darkenss and make things right.

Take control of the Argo and its crew, train them and send them on adventures into the dangerous and mysterious lands of Ancient Greece (and beyond...). Learn the world's secrets and create new technologies that will give you an edge in combat - and outside of it. Manage your resources and develop your base of operations. Build new Facilities, craft new Weapons and equipment. Gather allies and forge political alliances with the world’s factions. And, most important of all, tame the Titans, arm them, evolve them and ride them to battle with the kaiju-like Primordials.

Tactical Combat. Narrative-driven gameplay. Strategic campaign.

You win by defeating the main villains or solving a crisis, you lose if your Argonauts die, your crew abandons you, your ship gets destroyed, the villains fulfill their plot or time runs out. There are many ways to lose, but only a handful paths to victory.

During Battles, 1 to 4 players must cooperate to defeat 1 giant Primordial boss-type monster controlled by a sophisticated AI system.

Outside of Battles, Aeon Trespass: Odyssey uses choice chain and choice matrix mechanics to track your decisions throughout the game. Those decisions matter and will have a drastic impact on all future play sessions, campaigns and playthroughs.

Marcin and the other guys at Into the Unknown Studios have been incredible with their communications with me so far and everything they've told me about this game and the setting has me excited for it. I adore the Greek mythologies and this Science Fantasy bent on a post-apocalyptic game set in the Antiquities feels unique and fresh. Also it's my birthday so I can do what I want.

They've sent me the models ahead of the rest of the Prelude release, so I can get them assembled and painted in time for the review of the Prelude game. It's going to be about 6-8 hours of content and should include a mini experience of how the game as a whole will play out.  

Until then, here are some images of the game's cards, I'll be providing a lot more stuff once the full Prelude copy is in my hands, expect an unboxing review of components and also a review of how the game plays (both first impressions and one which is very extensive).

Gear cards, you should see some familiar ideas, plus some very new ones. I absolutely love how clear it is that these are huge pieces of machinery being re-purposed for the gigantic (10m tall) Titans.

Trauma Cards, which are the mechanic in which your Titans are wounded, they have neat other effects as well as representing the damage.

Tech cards, which represent the upgrades that you undertake on the Argo, the huge floating ship that you navigate around and use as your "settlement".

Condition cards, which seem to have a link to the Fated Mnemos cards.

OBOL, Moiros (Fates) and Kratos cards., Obol was the currency of the time (and that's a Dark Souls reference on the card, which is ominous). The Moiros card suggests that death might not be the end, and Kratos who was popularised in the God of War series is the personification of strength. For details on how these will work see the video links at the end!

There's loads of neat references to ancient Greeks, the titans include Herodotus (a greek Philosopher), Philocetra (a feminine version of Philoctetes), Solon (a Athenian Statesman) and Uylessa (femnine version of Ulysses/ Odysseus) and the Primordials are also based in the same culture.

However while these gigantic warriors will do the battling; you'll play the Argonauts, the pilots of these giant Titans, and that's a really cool mechanic, Pacific Rim here we come!

You can see more details about the lore and minis at their Aeon Trespass: Eschaton kickstarter which completed last year and at their site here over here. Note there are 2 Titans with in game promo content already released - the Firestarter and Cloudsoarer both come with an additional trauma card.

As long as the game holds up to my standards, we'll be having regular content on the game, especially because the team asked me to provide playtesting feedback at the Great Game Hunters/Patreon level I do for KDM. So hopefully in some small way I can help ensure that ATO is as good as it can possibly be.  This game will not at this stage replace KDM content, but if it is as good as it appears to be at this stage, it will eventually become a larger part of this patreon. However, for now,  any ATO posts will be Wednesday or Sunday in addition to the regular KDM content - honestly I need something to help keep me going now that Adam's going to delay any new content until past Gencon next year.

The Kickstarter lands 9 September 2019, and I aim to have all the details on the game for you guys before then so you can make an educated decision to back or not!

BGG Link:  https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/242705/aeon-trespass-odyssey 

Subreddit:  https://www.reddit.com/r/AeonTrespass/ 

Videos from the King of Average:

 Odyssey Inverted Combat Paradigm Details  

 King of Average's preview look at Aeon Trespass: Odyssey

Until the prelude review, if you have any questions on ATO, the game or the settings you would like the team to answer that are not covered in those videos, please do ask them here and I'll send them all together in an email for answers! And trust me, they give good answers. 




First of all, Happy Birthday, Fen! As for this other game, if it's something you're interested in, then enjoy. This is your Patreon and you should do what you like. Having said that, I'm really not interested in anything other than KDM, as I just don't have the bandwidth for anything else. I'll have to drop if that becomes a major feature of this Patreon, I'm sorry to say.


I just found out about this game today. Glad to see you are going to be sharing more information about it. I love KDM, but as mentioned by another user above, I may get the ATO before I get any more KDM KS goodies in the mail!