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So with Friday through to Sunday being Gencon, this is Adam's time to shine and help us overcome any concerns or doubts about the current kickstarter process. Also time for more new shiny minis and other exciting things. As such I think we don't need a post pre-gencon, but I will be looking through things afterwards, providing a link dump to all the places where we've found stuff and then writing up a little old 'review', speculation, discussion thread before we return to 'normal'.

Fingers crossed we get an approximate release date for some of the now long delayed kickstarter stuff.

In other news patron pet87g noticed that the armor sets I've been releasing for a while had a corrupted ratio when it came to the bleed versions, I've corrected the following armor set cards:

If the new armor cards are not 1400 x 988, please let me know in the relevant post link above and I'll re-upload. It's very difficult to make revisions to complete projects and make sure all the right documents get uploaded.

The Rose Knight was not affected, nor the old Black Lion. If you made PNP copies rather than trying to print them via mpc, there are no issues, it's just the excess areas of background that needed to be corrected.

Thank you for this pet87g!

Over August I'm going to get the hunt events finished first, this might mean they are the twelve in twelve release - but if they do not take too much more time then I'll be doing a custom set of principles (16 total).

Also, there's going to be some seriously exciting stuff coming up next week as it looks like we may hit the 575 patrons goal for the start of August and I have a separate announcement to make on Wednesday!


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