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Part 1: General Principles, Limitations and Foundations 

Part 2: Head

Part 3: Body 

Part 4: Arms 

Part 5: Waist 

Part 6: Legs 

Well, it's been quite a journey we've been on and we've only just reached the feet. That does mean that once we're done with this post we'll just be digging through the example builds, that's right, this stuff has all just been the base fundamentals that allow you to see why I build mixed sets the way I do and decide for yourselves how much you value them and/or what variations you'd take out instead. In short I'm teaching you to play like my good friend Tom who is the one behind the Shadow Saliva Shawl/Tool Belt/maximum Evasion tank - I gave him the concepts of building and he created a new build that I hadn't thought of before.

Leg wear in Kingdom Death is mostly movement focused, you'll see many of the options we have in the list below essentially give you affinities and extra movement. So a lot of the time you can just pick the best one for the specific build you're making.

White Lion Boots

Often overlooked because the White Lion set has an alternative movement ability in 'pounce', the White Lion Boots are one of the cheapest methods of increasing your movement outside of the Spidicules innovation - Choreia. I believe by now most of you are familiar with how powerful dash-cancelling is and how it's linked to getting as much extra movement on your survivor as possible.  Here is one way you can do it while also building towards lots of red affinities for something like the Phoenix Mask.

Silk Shoes

Best friend of the Phoenix Plackart. This pair of boots is very different to most other options on the list because they do not just give you extra movement, they also provide a way to switch survival across into insanity. This insanity has a lot of places it can be used as a tool. Silk Boots are the best part of the silk armor set for mixed sets and they're one of the strongest pairs of boots in the entire game. Just be aware that they do not work well with Immortal because Immortal stops you spending survival when you are insane.

Hopefully they survive the Poots-redesign coming up in Campaigns of Death relatively intact as they are a straight up improvement over the White Lion Boots and one of the best pair of slippers in the game.

Screaming Leg Warmers

Possibly the weakest leg gear on the list, the Screaming Leg Warmers make it because of their mild brain trauma defense, unusual affinities and the fact that they're the only leg warmers in the game.

Just bask in that for a moment, Kingdom Death, with all of its grim dark nonsense has survivors dressed in leg warmers. If they invent dye they could easily end up being fabulous while hunting.

I mean, it's weeby enough to match the artwork style this game adopts - Save the Pink Antelope!

Leather Boots

I think by now we all know the advantages of leather boots, they're cheap, they give you an base for an easy combo into getting active monster grease and they have an okay positioning ability that can be very useful with bows or reach weapons to increase the range at which you can dash cancel.

Many mixed builds will use Leather Boots simply because of the cost and this synergy with Dash.

Dragon Boots

The movement on the Dragon Boots is a lot weaker than most of the other footwear because it's only active specifically during the survivor's act. This means it's pretty much useless for dash-cancelling. 

The advantages of Dragon Boots is they are the highest non-heavy armor points in the game, the metal keyword for Lantern Cuirass synergy and they provide two decent, but not amazing affinities. 

They're a bit expensive so you're probably going to be making do with leather a lot of the time.

Cycloid Scale Shoes

The Poop Shoes as they're affectionately known, are a set of footwear with a turbo version of the Fecal Salve, which is one of the best support/defensive items in the game. While there are very few methods that allow you to gain the Priority Target token over and over outside of the Oxidized Ring Whip (which I bet very few of you have ever used), the fecal salve 'no threat until you attack' portion of this is incredible for a mixed support build or a survivor who doesn't want/need to attack every single turn.

These boots have very strong synergy in mixed sets with the Screaming Coat - Slam can be done without attacking, that's a powerful debuff.

Phoenix Greaves

For Immortal builds the Phoenix Greaves are an excellent choice. As long as you can maintain insanity you are getting access to 2 extra movement, which can put you at 7 without any help or at 10 with the harvestman fighting art (see Choreia). This makes them an excellent choice for light, insanity high bruiser types who want to be able to dash-cancel or just be maneuverable in general.

Lantern Greaves

A huge pile of affinities, a large movement boost, the highest armor points on a piece of gear (outside of GK) and the Metal Keyword all push the Lantern Greaves heavily towards the top of the mixed set power house choices. 

If you are building late game in a way that can activate these plated galoshes then it's hard to argue against them and the con list for this gear is: a) heavy keyword and b) expensive.

And that's the options you can pick to cover your toes! Overall the cheapest options are either leather (surprise surprise) or white lion, the options for unusual builds is the Silk Boots, most late game builds will go with either Dragon or more often Lantern, Immortals may prefer Phoenix Greaves and support builds will benefit a lot from the Cycloid Scale Shoes.

We now have 1-2 more posts to round out this series, those are the posts where I'll take all these parts and put them together into some typical builds, including Immortal builds where they are required and only using Fighting Arts that are easily tutored.



Isn't the 1.5 version of the screaming legwarmers "+3 insanity on arrival" though ? I'm not familiar with that version.