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Hi all, so it's March and it's time to go through the upcoming content, take requests and note on the various other projects which are being worked on. Two semi-negative things first, then onto the exciting stuff.

Patreon Goal - Secret Project(s)

I am still waiting for my solicitor on certain matters before I can release an announcement on these projects. For those of you who are not aware; in November 2015, while riding my motorcycle I was hit from behind by a speeding private ambulance. This accident was career ending, I was unable to continue my work as an investigator for Her Majesty's Government because complications from the accident make it close to impossible for me to attend a 9-5 job. I ended up being dismissed because of this accident and lost a relatively high up position. I'm still not recovered from this and as such my patreon plus commissions are all I have in respect of income.

So I've been waiting for years for my solicitor to get my case together and put forward a reasonable amount to request as compensation; not just for the accident, damage to my gear and injury, but also lost income and a lost career. It's pretty complicated, but a few weeks ago I was told that they were ready to put forward the first figure to the insurer, then the process would take just around 2 months before I'd finally know how much I was getting and be able to look to retraining for the future.

Unfortunately, they've still not got back to me on this, and I don't want to talk about what I've been doing before I know how much capital I have that I can invest. It's sort of a crossroads where I can take this stuff in one of a few directions and I'd rather put it under my own IP rather than the Kingdom Death one, because it's fine to have fun and make some custom monsters, but when your work is transformative to the degree this stuff has become,  I'd rather it be wholey mine. 

So apologies for the lack of a release still, as soon as things are sorted with my solicitor and I know where I stand, you guys will know also!

Security Breach

I'm sorry to have to say that last week the cloud storage I keep some of my homebrew stuff on was apparently accessed by unknown individual(s). This includes stuff from my upcoming Heroes & Champions mode (working title as a D&D reference, not sorry), which I may as well provide a few details on now - this is a multi-generational "strain" style system with leveling up of classes that gain access to new abilities along with a legacy campaign based around using them specifically. 

It's all based on the Generic hero models along with a version of the strain system that is more like hereditary "genetics" combined with legacy style unlocks. It was planned to be kept completely secret until I saw what was done by Poots' Advanced KDM (because that might invalidate all my work with his official "class" system). But I felt I should write some things about it now in light of the potential access.

Nothing has been lost because it was all backed up locally here and hopefully it was just some random hacker looking for bank/personal/finance details (there are none), but I can assume that files have been downloaded, so hopefully they're not leaked or misappropriated and they're just in the hands of some person who doesn't have any use for them.  Mostly I'm noting that this has happened here, first of all to keep you guys in the loop and secondly as a precaution, just in case the stuff turns up elsewhere.

Onto more fun things!

Assessing Armor Series:

We will continue with the Assessing Armor series, we're on the Hybrids this month, which is super exciting because I adore the hybrid armor sets so much. They're absolutely the best part of the Lion Knight expansion and even the worst of them still has some cool elements.

Today Brawler went out and we'll have Dancer, Warlord and Vagabond in the coming weeks, every Monday!

I've been having a ton of fun with this series and it's really helped me see what makes for a good and bad piece of armor in this game. How some things are held up by a couple of stand out parts and others are just amazing regardless of how you cut it.

And we're not even onto the really joyous parts of the armor series yet. We still have the Sunstalker, DBK, DK and Lantern Armor to examine!

Great Game Hunters

Josh is right now processing the three episodes we have in the can, we're going to be releasing one a month because Josh and Matt have limited availability (especially in March) and as a part of the above mentioned accident issues I can't talk for hours and hours at a time without devolving into a coughing fit. Otherwise we'd sit down and record 2-4 sessions at once in order to get a good backlog sorted.

The schedule is: Black Friday Update, Lion Knight Parts 1 + 2 and then the Sunstalker 1 + 2 and People of the Sun (which honestly could be anything from 1 to 3 parts, it depends on how much detail we go into on it).

Black Friday episode should be up soon.

Designer's Diary

For those of you who are in the Designer's Club, we've actually completed work on the hunt
mechanics for our custom monster. Thanks to the input of the people who chose the style of monster its looking super cool and definitely a unique experience.

Eventually, when it's done, it'll get released for everyone, the same way that all my homebrew (except for the afformentioned Heroes & Champions mode) stuff goes out for everyone in the end.

Rose Knight

Speaking of which, the Rose Knight will get a full public release this month after you guys voted for her, I've got the cards ready for release - had to go back and fix a few typos which were mentioned last week (thank you for that). I really don't want to lay it all out in a pdf and then find there are more typos, it takes a long time for me to sort out the pdf versions and it's awful to fix typos in them.

I don't have a specific date, my focus outside of ensuring that the patreon posts are regular is finishing the Spidicu-bees for (Forged By Geeks) in a timely fashion. This piece is on par with the crazy things I do for myself and it's about 60-70% done, but I have to sort out the Spiderlings as well.

Once its completed, there will likely be a give away of Spidicules components that's sponsored by Forged By Geeks. They're really great people and you should check out their content.

Black Lion

In case you are not aware, there is a revised version of the Black Lion on the horizon for this year (dependent on plans). It's likely turning up in Q3, I'm speaking with an artist to get the some of the art re-hauled at the same time as I re-balance a couple of things and sort out the resolution/typos etc.  This 2.0 release will tie it closer into everything else I've done, include its introduction event and make the L4 into its own special legendary, complete with a new, super powerful piece of gear as the reward (cause as TWIST said, the L4 is an absolute beast).

Pre-painted Miniature exchange:

I'm considering doing a 'swap' with some of my painted miniatures for unpainted ones/the relevant components again soon because I have some pieces I want to repaint because I've settled on a style for the game that I like.  It's a lot of survivors and survivor types mostly - It'll be on a 'first come, first served' basis and all it'll cost you is sending the parts to me first and covering my postage costs to send the painted stuff back.

You can look on it as being a super cheap patreon reward, almost free Fen commissions!

The list includes 4x Dragon Armor, Rolling Armor, Candy & Cola, Gorment, Cycloid Scale and more.


I'll be doing a proper post on this when he has more content up, but for now you should keep an eye on friend of this patreon Quackalope's stuff. Jesse is probably the biggest collector of things KDM and he's going to be releasing content on his Youtube channel soon.

Check him out over at:

He's a massive fan of KDM stuff, maybe the biggest out there and it looks like his studio for recording is going to be amazing. He's said at some point he'd like me to come on as a guest for a podcast episode, which I've agreed to do.

That's it, see you all again on Wednesday for something non-KDM related and then again on Friday for the first part of a piece on mixed sets! Yes, that's right, we're going to look at what you can do with armor if you don't want to collect all 5 pieces and instead want to be special and unique!



Hey Fen, sorry to hear about your work woes... you have my heartfelt sympathy and I‘m sure many of us are super happy to see you put so much work and passion into this patreon! Regarding the swap, that would be superb for me, as I seriously lag behind in painting my stuff (plus, I lack your talent). I don‘t want to hog all the minis for myself, but I do have all sprues complete and without damage. But if others are interested as well (and of course they are!!) my priorities would be 1. Gorment 2. Dragon 3. Rolling (don‘t have C&C). So feel free to contact me. I do insist on paying at least a symbolic amount With which you can have yourself at least a night out in town!


That's really kind of you. Send me a message and we'll sort something out soon. I'd like to give others a chance to get some stuff if they want.