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First part of creating the Scissor Knight unofficial expansion is complete, I wanted to properly explore the themes and aspects of the model in order to properly understand its character. After additional reading, I chose to not put verdigris or rust on the model in the end. It's also too beautiful a model for that kind of treatment.

I have some commissions to do, so the Elder Scissor Knight will have to be in the background for a while. However it is clear that both models are very heavily plant inspired in their designs, along with everything else it lands them in the gardener category, which the Flower, Dung Beetle and Gold Smoke Knights all land in as well.

Colours are all Vallejo, Nocturna, Citadel and Scale 75.

Pictures by nijiq aka otterpaints of Team Cockatiel Colours.

Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/p/BtQR331HQFR/ 




Hope you make scissor Knight a quarry!


That's the plan. It's going to be a quarry for sure. I'm just currently playing with a new type of showdown experience for it. We'll see if it works, or if it's just going to be another normal fight.


have you thought of making the showdown about blunting the guy's scissors, maybe on terrain or you use him to cut X number of things to allow you to escape or defeat him so it's not a straight up tank and dps