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 We made it, thank you for your support and now I'm going to have to put together an article on my secret project (though some of you may have some ideas about roughly what it is)!

It'll be released in Feb (as long as we hold at 500 patrons by the start of that month) and additionally I'll run a raffle giveaway for a set of the seasonal fall kingdom death dice, it'll be open to any patron at any level who enters - keep an eye out for that post in Feb! They are the brown and yellow dice, still sealed in the box!

I'm also going to release one of the two patron specific custom monsters to the public and I'll let you guys decide which one it will be (they'll get a little tightening up and a pdf release at the same time).

Again, thank you for your support, it means a lot to me, my partner and my little feathered family!

Enjoy voting!



Congrats, Fen. Your articles are insightful and a joy to read. Thank you for all you do.


Thanks a thousand Times for your Work!