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Well, my stuff arrived from shipping today and the shippers broke my PC in transit. So I am afraid that there is a delay on custom content now because I cannot afford a replacement PC. I'm not sure what to do where this is concerned, it's knocked back a lot of stuff.  I can't repair the typos until I get recovery run on the hard drive (my back up copy got corrupted), but even once I've done that I can't get the November monster finished/complete typos and I can't get on with setting up streaming play of KD:M without a working PC.

I'm having to try and figure out a way of sorting this out. Sorry for this, I'll have to fill with other written content for the moment. (Design series is still going ahead because we don't need to touch Photoshop for a while yet).



How many typos are there? I can probably help in the mid-term Fen if you need help.


The original files cannot be accessed. So no-one can do this work, I have a solution, but it will take time because of the costs.


Sorry to hear about your computer issues Fen, hopefully your files are still recoverable from your main hard drive.


just sent you a friend request on discord, i may be able to help or at least offer advice.