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To continue Spooktober (for as long as I can be bothered to keep up this silly gimmick) here are some printable supplements for the Slenderman (ooo, spoooooooky internet boogieman) and the Flower Knight (ooo, spooooooky how broken this expansion is).

These have been attempted by other people in the past, but the honest truth is that I have found the other versions unsatisfying. They tended to leave out important information from the Sense Memory version and ignore the established location design.

So here is my take on both cards:

So why do I prefer these over other versions? In the case of Light Forging, everything is broken up into the levels in the same style as the Sacred Pool (the only multi-level location we have so far) so it is clean and easy to use with the Dark Water Research innovation.

With Sense Memory, there's a lot of things that happen during that event which can get forgotten if you just play with one of the other ones that has been made.  Here we have both survivor upgrade scents and the Ballad of the Wallflower survival limit upgrade.

Those of you on the discord will have seen these at the end of September. Just a small perk for being part of the chat community.

Attached you'll find the original images for both, plus a printable pdf that will scale them correctly (A4 size) to use alongside the existing locations.

I'm probably not going to do ones for People of the Skull/People of the Bloom/Green Armor because there are existing ones that match the original stuff well.

Maybe now you'll remember that you don't need to sculpt Otherworldly Luck onto things because the Flower Knight gives it away like it is candy!

In other news, it's looking likely that I'll have a new monster available in November!




Love it! Do you have links for the skull/bloom/green ones? I'm not seeing them in BGG Files.


<a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/132234/rabidblackdogs-variant-settlement-locations-13" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/132234/rabidblackdogs-variant-settlement-locations-13</a>