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This took a lot longer than you would think for just a picture, I tried to make it as clean as possible, but the number of interlocking synergies doesn't help..
  • The thicker the lines, the higher the number of synergies between the various monsters/gear.
  • Green border = Green Armor involvement*
  • Purple border = Hybrid Armor involvement

You'll notice that The King's Man and Hand have very low synergy involvement - mostly it's just spears, shields, daggers and swords link to those two. Interestingly there would be synergy between the Slenderman and the King's Man if they could exist in the same timeline because the Slenderman fetches Crystal Skin, which protects against the King's Curse.

Few other notes:

  • Highest level of Synergy is Spidicules to Slenderman.
  • Unsurprisingly the White Lion and Sunstalker have massive levels of Synergy
  • Technically the Dung Beetle Knight synergises with every single quarry monster because of how its armor works.
  • I've not considered synergies with generic location gear
  • Phoenix synergies, while numerous, are all very weak
  • Spidicules has a high number of synergies due to broken/powerful combos, the expansion would be one of the best if it was fixed to be less feels bad.

Unsurprisingly the most popular monsters have multiple synergies with strong connections to several expansions, while the unpopular ones have relatively few (or lots of very weak ones).  You can see the Gorm, Sunstalker, Slenderman and DBK really come out well here.

*Note: Spidicules is not really involved in Green Armor, but one generic innovation from the expansion is.




Am I not seeing something, you say that the White Lion and Sunstalker have massive levels of synergy, yet there is no line connecting them.


Wow, awesome work!! It's pretty and understandeable! 👌🤘