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I've got a plenty still in the pipeline (terrain and a piece on painting the Butcher's armor for example), but I also wanted to open things up for article suggestions.

So if there is anything you want, or a piece of gear you're trying to make work and so on; please let me know here and I'll see if it's something that's interesting enough to turn into an article/mini-article!

Manhunter Seasoned Hunter Article comes next Sunday. I'm just fine tuning and making sure I have the opening strategy to a point where I like it.




I'd also want your imput on how to make custom monsters (like the black lion you made). I would LOVE to make a king in order to end the main campaign (exchanging the GSK for the King). I mean -> King's man -> Hand (of the King) -> Watcher (parasite) -> GSK???? (no! The King!)


Maybe use the King as the real final boss AFTER the Gold Smoke Knight? At year 35, like the Ivory Dragon and the Parasite Queen.


I'd be interested in seeing A: how you'd revise the Dragon gear to have it sit at the node 3 monster level it ought to, B: how to get the most out of light-forging and Slenderman gear, as a lot of it seems very bizarre and interesting (keeping in theme with SM himself) and C: a guide on obtaining the most difficult to obtain SFAs.