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In case you are not aware, the reviews uploaded by Italics were written by myself. As such I am going to be revising them and re uploading them here on my patreon.

They will be disappearing from BoardGameGeek completely once this process is completed (that is I have got them all revised and scheduled for release), I have no intention of writing reviews on BGG in the future I would rather use my own platform for them.



Just FYI, those excellent reviews are what led me here ... does BGG allow you to post a synopsis (or something similar) and then a link here? They are great "ads" for the site and your work.


+1 here. Just leave the 1.0 reviews on BGG and add a link to patreon for the updated 1.5 versions. Also, can't wait for the white box reviews!


I'm afraid that no matter what happens those reviews are disappearing from 1.0. The Italics account they were posted under is going to be deleted, the owner of that account wants it gone and she's doing me a favor by delaying deleting her account while I preserve them.


You can re-post them through your own account. I imagine, the majority of people found out about this patreon through those reviews and GGH podcast