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Claw Arrow – White Lion

Simple, but powerful and effective all game.  The Claw Head Arrow's -1 evasion on a hit ability means that even when the monsters get tougher it will still activate. -1 Evasion to the monster is almost the same as +1 accuracy to all survivors in the showdown, that's a huge bonus. 

In addition 1.5 buffed the Claw Head Arrow further (for some reason???) by giving it a right blue affinity.  This means that archers with rawhide can activate the Lucky Charm without the need for a Fecal Salve/Cat's Eye Circlet and they can even continue to crit attack while wearing other armor sets (most armor provides at least 1 blue affinity).

Trash Crown - DBK

The Trash Crown is made when a calcification attempt fails, this means that the cost for a Trash Crown is a Zanbato, a little time and a bit of chance.  What you get from this process is one of the most underrated, overlooked and powerful items in the game.  

There are multiple uses for the Trash Crown, the most obvious of which is to remove the Battle Pressure cards from the top of the King's Man's HL deck before attacking for that turn.  

However, this item has many uses and I encourage you to play around with it when you have a chance, because it's worth the exploration. It has a high level of synergy with other items that scout the HL deck (Circlets, Wisdom Potion), but the level of synergy with items that reshuffle the HL deck is incredible.  A Trash Crown combined with a Crest Crown and either of the Circlets essentially results in a playstyle that is slow and methodical but as long as evasion/blocks hold up it's virtually risk free.

The Trash Crown is also one of the (many) methods you can use to fight the DBK (by removing Carapace HL cards) and milling useless Spidicules HL cards so you can get to the 8 legs easier and ball it.

It's not at the top of this list, but it's a personal favourite of mine.

Rainbow Wing Belt – Dung Beetle Knight

This one makes it on the list because of its power with Early Iron items.  Early Iron is an awful drawback, very badly designed, that makes most of the Lantern weapons worse than lower tier weaponry.  Having a 19% or 28% (or higher) chance of all your hits missing when you attack is just terrible.  

The Rainbow Wing negates that by giving you a reroll on your 1s, this means each individual die has only a 1% chance of resulting in a 1 (1/10 * 1/10).  That's a huge boost for Lantern Weapons.

In addition, this piece of Rolling 'Armor' can be used with any armor set in the game that can support its affinity requirements.  So it's not just for Rolling Armor survivors, it's for anyone!

Blue Lantern – Allison/Hooded Stranger

A Promotional Item here this time, here's the details from TechRaptor's site. This one seems to have an absolutely massive downside, in exchange for a huge effect. But here's the thing, when you have Accept Darkness this brain damage is easily negated, and in exchange you get a huge amount of information about the monster's HL deck, so much that you should be able to safely combat the monster for many turns, often enough that you can get most L1s and L2s dead or close to death.

This one is campaign limited, requiring the Hooded Knight to turn up in order to hand over the package. But it's so powerful and interesting that it makes it onto this list despite my general misgivings and disinterest in People of the Lantern.

Quiver and Sun String - Sunstalker

What's better than a Claw Head Arrow? How about an item that lets you carry the Claw Head Arrow and 2 others outside of your gear grid and gives you additional range on your bows? Sound good?

The Quiver and Sun String is the premier quiver in the game at the moment. It gives you so much reach on your bows that you can honestly cancel many traps without any risk.  This thing makes an Arc Bow range 10! It also has cool synergy with the Sunshark Bow and White Lion Armor by letting you pounce and shoot from up to 6 spaces away (WL Armor will activate the Sunshark Bow because it's melee, even though it's being used as a ranged weapon).  And that's all without considering the utility and power the three arrows you take with you provide.

On top of all of that, the item provides 2 useful affinities that help you get it activated. It's really good and it's going to take a lot of work to get a quiver that comes close to this one.  Getting 4 gear cards inside one is a huge benefit without even taking into account how this item also has uses of its own.


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