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Bonus update today as The Butcher is finished.  He's pending an upload on BGG, but you guys get to see him before hand.

I went with some limited OSL (Object Source Lighting), I feel that large amounts of OSL look good in photos, but do not look good on an actual game board.  This more contained level of OSL I feel echoes the artwork of The Butcher in the book without looking like ass when you play. :D

All Non-Metallic Metals, but I think this is the last Butcher I'll paint in NMM.




Really cool, I love it! And I agree, OSL looks very cool on display, but not so cool on the tabletop. I also have to ask, how did you do that base? It looks amazing!


Thank you, the base is constructed from multiple pieces of greenstuff built up into a dome. When I finish the King's Man I'll do something similar and I'll photograph the process.