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Ok so I'm back from my holiday and starting to get back into painting.  So we will see some painted stuff coming up soon, including a breakdown step by step piece on how I paint skin.  It'll take time to put together, I have to think about the various steps I take and the variations that you can do.  But it'll be there, with photographs - once I find a miniature with enough skin at least. 

In respect to other things:

Great Game Hunters 

Will be back in the start of September when TWIST are ready, we need to hash out the schedule because I honestly can't start and finish as late as we have been doing.  My health has been suffering because I cannot stay up past midnight anymore.  I know Josh reads these, so we'll see what we can work out in respect of timing.


I'm going to start streaming painting again once I work out a useable schedule.  Some of the streams, perhaps most of them, are just going to be painting + music with little talking.  I'm finding that quite often I don't want to paint if I have to talk at the same time - because I struggle to do things at the same time.  If you want to know when I'm streaming give me a follow over at https://www.twitch.tv/fenpaints and use the notification system.  I'm on GMT, so generally I won't stream earlier than 3pm GMT and later than around 10pm.  It's a work in progress because streaming is so tiring, I'm constantly impressed with the guys who do it day after day.

Youtube Let's Play Series 

So this is the main reason for writing this post.  I want to check with you all if it is OK for me to delay starting the series until 1.5 is out and on Tabletop Simulator.  I hoped it would have been released by now (frankly I'm lukewarm on the reasons why it has been delayed, I'm especially angry about the shrinkwrap which I think is just bad for the environment with little additional benefit for the end user - shame on you Poots).

So is that acceptable for everyone?  I don't want to let people down, but I think it might be a better experience all round if I play 1.5 when it's out rather than starting a 1.31 campaign which will be completely out of date by the time I reach lantern year 10 or so.  From what I've seen, switching between 1.31 and 1.5 is not really going to be a sensible choice - I want to explore the new early game options and so forth and I don't want abandon a campaign partway through - I already lost one campaign because I was let down by the co-contributor who held the files.

If people are super interested I could do some showcase fights vs. various monsters.  Sort of a 'how to' video.  Let me know if you want that and if I get enough people asking, I'll do it.


I'm going to keep writing things here on Patreon and in addition to the written articles there will be more stuff on painting appearing as time passes.  I'm open to suggestions about what people want to see, both written and picture-wise.

For example, would some assembly guides for survivors interest people?  I have unbuilt leather, sunstalker, gorm, rawhide, DBK and Spidicules survivor sprues that I could do articles on.  They would include notes on recommended builds etc.

So to summarise my questions to you.

1. Is it OK to delay the start of the YT series

2. If I do this, do people want showcase fights vs various monsters

3. Do you want assembly guides for survivors

4. What else would you like to see?



Delay is fine and understandable. Showcases of monster fights as smaller segments would be amazing! Personally not as interested in building guides. I'm also in love with everything you write. Amazing content! Thank you.