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Hey everyone,

I'm going to be somewhat unavailable during August.  I'm out of the country on the 4th and not back until the 25th.  I'm writing up content in advance that should fill the gap, but getting everything sorted before I go away has been a little difficult so there might be some weeks with just one article.

When I return I will start work on the Youtube series, aiming to get released on the first week of September.  It will be a twice weekly series, split into the showdown fight for one session and the settlement/hunt part in the other.  That way if you just want to watch the Showdowns and see how things go there you can do so.  Also it seems like the best way to chunk out the content.

I will also resume streaming in September, I've been unable to do so recently because work has left me without the reasonable adjustments I require to be able to work, it's been 4 months now and the stress of not getting what I'm legally entitled to is causing me serious issues.  

It's one of the reasons why this Patreon is so important to me, sometimes being on camera live is exhausting.  And if I can get sufficient support from excellent people like yourselves I can be sufficient enough to be able to do something to fix my awful work situation.  So I appreciate all your support.

If there is anything you guys would like to see in the future, please let me know in this post and I'll pick things up when I return.  For example, would people be interested in text versions of the analysis I do on each monster?



By text analysis, do you mean a mechanical analysis, a lore analysis, or both? Any would be fun to read, but I must admit, I don't think I ever would have figured out that the King's Man is a dancer or that the Hand is a boxer by myself!


A mechanical analysis, lorewise I might chip some stuff in here and there as I tend to wander off into that stuff and it does help underpin how the monster acts when you understand what it's based on. (i.e. Angry Baby/Elephant for the Gorm)


I wish you good physical and mental health and plenty of patreons!