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35. Hooded Scrap Katar - Spidicules

This Katar is one of three early game Katars in the game that is essentially a variation of each other, it makes this list because it is unique enough that it is something worth considering using over the normal White Lion ones.  

Hooded Scrap Katars are also one of the rare weapons that is worth using in paired form and even considering using with White Lion armor.  This is because the ability on the (2/7+/4/Paired) Katar gives you an automatic wound if you hit 4+ times in your attack.  That is potentially very potent vs. Nemesis monsters where you do not want to spend your time slowing down the fight and eeking out critical hits for resources.

However, this is a Spidicules weapon, so it costs a lot more than just the resources you pay for it.  Early game Spidicules weapons mean you have to deal with Taken, which is a heck of a price and can cause a lot of issues for groups that have four plus players.

In addition, it's not that much better than the White Lion Katars to justify its existence.

34. Acid-Tooth Dagger - Gorm

Constructed for the cost of 1 acid gland and 2 bone; these (2/7+/2/Paired) daggers are one of the few daggers in this game which I feel are strong enough to make a dagger wielding character worthwhile.  They have a good enough statline to be used in the early game and the triggered ability; which is Perfect Hits give automatic wound successes, is powerful enough that this is a weapon I use in pairs and would even consider using it alongside White Lion armor.  I think that alone is reason enough to allow this weapon onto the list, it enables an entire category of weapon to be useable all by itself.

In the late game even these daggers fall off and become problematic (and Lantern Daggers suck and the Nuclear Knife is not good enough), however wearing Cycloid armor, which will give these daggers Sharp and carry them into the end game.  It's this reliance on Cycloid armor to keep using Daggers that stops this weapon from being higher in the list. 

33. Amber Poleaxe – Spidicules


(2/6+/3/Reach 2/On collision with a monster it suffers 1 wound on a 6+)

The Amber Poleaxe is straight up an improved version of the King's Spear, however, the costs for this weapon are insane in comparison.  The King's Spear costs 1 Lion Claw and 1 Great Cat bone to make, the Amber Poleaxe costs 2 bone, 1 organ and 1 Venom Sac.  That's twice the price and in exchange you just gain a down green affinity, the axe weapon type (which is of limited use in the early game because you're not likely to be rocking 2 weapon masteries) and a 50% chance of wounding a monster on collisions.  

It's a solid weapon, but like the Hooded Scrap Katar earlier in the list, it's just not worth using most of the time because the White Lion gear is superior due to being more cost effective.

(Let's be honest, Spidicules is basically a variant White Lion monster in the early game anyway) .

However, if the abyssal woods expansion rebalances Spidicules in a meaningful manner and we don't have access to the White Lion as a quarry in that campaign this weapon is something that should be considered seriously.

32. Cat Gut Bow – White Lion  

The Cat Gut Bow is pretty much a staple of most people's early game hunt parties.  It's a (2/7+/3/Range 6/Cumbersome) bow weapon that allows for one of your characters to start providing ranged DPS.  Range in Kingdom Death is one of the most useful attributes on any weapon and on top of that Bow Specialisation/Mastery are immensely powerful boosts to the weapon class.  

The 1.5 version of the Cat Gut Bow currently teased is even more powerful than the already excellent version we have.  Adding a (mostly worthless) down blue affinity and the really amazing ability to 'snipe' (reducing speed to gain accuracy, which is always welcome).

It's a great starting weapon for one of the best weapon types in the game.

31. King’s Spear – White Lion

Speaking of the best weapon types in the game, your adventures in the world of Spear Trapping usually start with this weapon.  It's a (2/6+/3/Reach 2) weapon that is a staple of just about every single early game hunt party in the game. It has a fantastic statline and because Spear Specialisation is so powerful once you have three points in your weapon mastery you will find that this weapon will start to reduce the amount of damage you take from the inevitable trap cards.

It's a very straightforward weapon that is just very powerful for its cost and allows you to get what is probably the best weapon specialization in the game active as soon as possible.  Sometimes no frills is what you want.

Next time we head down to the middle of the table with 30 to 26.


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