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First map for 2024 is taking shape. The top room has a shallow pond with three statues. Sarcophagi line the stone walls.

  • What do these statues portray?
  • What is buried in the stone enclosures?
  • What brings hapless adventurers to this place?

Any ideas from you, Denizens of the Tower?



Marco Bizzarri

My two cents. These were the burial chambers for the faithful servants of Miius, the God of Duty; the central statue represent Miius in his form of the restless sentinel, who guards the post which has been assigned to it; the two lateral statues are the two dogs, Pogo and Bucko, who, according to the legend, helped Miius in his duty. The sarcophagi in the rooms accessible without using a secret door are occupied by the mortal spoils of the deceased priests of Miius. Unknown to all but them, the priests of Sostus, God of Tricks, built secret chambers during the construction of the dungeon, and used those chambers to bury *their* priests. This has gone on for a few decades (or centuries?) until the magic which kept the chambers hidden to Miius started to fade... or maybe Sostus was tired of this practical joke. In any case, the statue of Miius now appears to be frowning, and sometimes during the night the barking of dogs can be heard around the dungeon...