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Denizens of the Tower! In The Dishonor of Thieves, the characters find themselves in the heart of The Enochian Harbour, a den of thieves and intrigue, where they are tasked with dismantling the notorious operations of Maris "The Viper" Blackwater and Valtor "The Phantom" Thorn. Each decision they make affects their standing within the treacherous web of alliances and rivalries in the harbour. The adventure is rife with moral dilemmas, as the players weigh the consequences of their actions on the many lives entangled in the guild's shadowy reach. However, the plot thickens when the heroes uncover a deeper conspiracy, leading to a temporary and uneasy alliance with Maris and Valtor against a common enemy: the corrupt Lord Elric Davenwell.

This Level-3 Shadowdark adventure transforms the characters' mission or point of view as they advance, evolving from a straightforward quest into a complex narrative of political intrigue and hidden threats. The players must gather evidence, rally support, and strategize to expose and confront the true puppeteer behind the harbour's strife.

This adventure supplement is a special collaboration with a Patreon creator we are fortunate to call a friend, Chibbin Grove. For this adventure, he has provided two awesome maps and character art to enhance the feel of this supplement. We invite you to check out Chibbin Grove's Patreon page.

Collaborator - Chibbin Grove

Here in the Grove, we produce fantasy and sci-fi maps and miscellanea for role-playing games, compatible with many VTTs such as Roll20 and Foundry.

We put a unique spin on our maps by including subtle symbolism that is influenced by ancient practices such as the Hermetic Traditions and the Platonic Great Year. Most, if not all of our content, is connected via an overarching universe that links maps and characters to our past, present, and future content.

Find out more at Chibbin Grove's Patreon page.

