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In Shrine of Ascendance, the characters arrive in town just a few months after Father Bertrand's passing. The man that replaced him earned everyone's trust quickly and gained a considerable number of followers. Things started to get uncomfortable and weird when the man's followers did not return home. Most families demand answers, the truth. Because all they know is that the mysterious man promised "ascension", a massive change in someone's life, wealth, and whatnot. They have seen none of that.

This is an adventure that brings the heroes to a mysterious man's lair. They must be careful not to harm the innocent, naive followers. The final confrontation shall reveal that what the man calls "ascension" is in reality a horrible curse.

This adventure has been designed for Shadowdark RPG through their 3rd party license. The system is meant to be accessible to OSR players and modern players alike. Adapting the material to 5e or other systems should not be difficult.

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Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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