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Traveler! In Blood on the Sand, the characters travel to the largest desert in the territories, the Dry Sea. They are part of a camel rally held in Royal Camels' Arena. The event is interrupted at the worst time and the heroes must intervene to avoid a catastrophe. Members of a nomad tribe claim a former brother of their clan is behind this, and they beg the heroes to fulfill their fate written in the stars, travel to the Valley of Tombs, and save the Dry Sea.

This is an adventure that brings the heroes to a large desert. They shall participate in a race, meet a nomadic tribe, experience a rite of passage, and defeat a nomadic shaman gone rogue. This adventure is full of thrilling meetings and encounters. It shall certainly have the heroes' pockets filled with sand!

This adventure supplement is a special collaboration with another Patreon creator we feel fortunate to call a friend, Tom Cartos. For this adventure, They have provided three maps to enhance the feel of this adventure supplement. We invite you to check Tom Cartos Patreon page.

Here's a close-shot of the adventure's layout:


My name is Tom, I am a digital artist with a background in architecture and design. Now I am bringing these skills into creating tabletop battle maps and assets for games like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, and more!

About my Patreon. It is my hope that these maps will go beyond providing a backdrop to your encounters. They will also help tell your story, provide inspiration for detailed world-building and give your players that ever-so-important feeling of verisimilitude and immersion. Each map set covers multiple levels or areas of a building, dungeon, or environment, creating a real sense of exploration and dynamic gameplay.

Join us on the creation of awesome adventures and maps here on Patreon!



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