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In Anguish of the Eternally Dead, the characters learn of an ancient elvish prison designed for the worst offenders. In there, people's bodies are discarded and the souls of the inmates are transformed into undead, to forever roam the lonely halls and suffer ever-lasting decay and damnation. Rumor has it that valuable treasures are buried therein. Perhaps greed alone is the best motivator to pay a visit.

In this level-3, Shadowdark adventure, the characters embark on a perilous quest into an ancient elvish crypt guarded by deadly guardians and traps. Do they have what it takes to come out of the sepulcher alive? Will they go the extra mile and attempt to liberate all the souls imprisoned therein, regardless of their crimes?

This adventure has been designed for Shadowdark RPG through their 3rd party license. The system is meant to be accessible to OSR players and modern players alike. Adapting the material to 5e or other systems should not be difficult.

We appreciate your support. Because of your awesome support, we can keep producing art, written content, and TTRPG-related stuff!

Until the next one, Elven Tower.



Scott Hilton

If it's possible to move the boilerplate, "this was designed for use with shadow dark..." to the end of the description that would be awesome. Right now all the descriptions are identical until you click through. That makes it sort of hard to get a feel for what to expect from the map. I'm always happy to see the notification from Patreon that there's new content and it's nice to be able to read something about it in the moment, even if I don't have time to dig in right then by opening the app or sitting down at a computer.


Thanks for the suggestion Scott, I'll get it done for past publications today. I never thought about how it eats the notification space.