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Traveler! This adventure supplement is a special collaboration with another Patreon creator we feel fortunate to call a friend, Dungeon Baker. For this adventure, He has provided several maps to enhance the feel of this adventure supplement. We invite you to check Dungeon Baker's Patreon page where he shares great cartography.

In Tomb of Huram, the characters learn the story of Huram, a person who had a knack for making people listen to him and gathering the masses. This man became a guide, a figure of respect and admiration for many. Huram changed the lives of bums, the homeless, and all those wicked souls. His entourage was not always well-received by the authorities for obvious reasons.

The conflicts and differences between Huram's people and the capital rulers did not end well and Huram was killed. The controversial character was at least given a proper burial in an old tomb nearby. The characters arrive in Redcairn two months after these sad events. They are told that undead creatures come from Huram's resting place and have attacked the villagers. The characters can be hired to destroy all monsters in the tomb or to attempt to use love and understanding as their weapons to appease Huram's spirit.

This is an adventure that brings the heroes to an ancient tomb. They must decide if they want to destroy what remains of Huram or see if they can save his soul. Regardless of their choice, it shall not be easy...

Here's a close-shot of the adventure's layout:

Collaborator - Dungeon Baker

Hi! I'm the Dungeon Baker, a UK map designer - I take the raw ingredients needed for lively, challenging encounters and sprinkle in some exciting design features to bake up stimulating and interesting adventure maps for TTRPGs. Thanks for visiting my publisher page.

Dungeon Baker's Patreon page

Join us on the creation of awesome adventures and maps here on Patreon!




Hey! It looks like it's going to be a really awesome adventure and I'm excited for your collaboration with Dungeon Baker. Thanks for introducing him to us


Thanks for the nice comment YourMagnet. I hope it meets everyone's expectations for this adventure.