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Traveler! This adventure supplement is a special collaboration with another Patreon creator we feel fortunate to call a friend, Maps 'N' Quests. For this adventure, they have provided several maps to enhance the feel of this adventure supplement. We invite you to check Maps 'N' Quests Patreon page where he shares great cartography.

In The Swamp Dragon Cult, the characters start their life as adventurers and their first stop is Strasterton. They quickly learn that a group of cultists has been terrorizing the capital and its vicinities for a few months now. Word is that the dragon in the local swamp region is their protector.

The characters are hired by the capital's authorities and they shall meet several NPCs during their stay in town. They learn about an upcoming attack on Eight-Towers Keep, which is close to the cultists' hideout. On their way, they can even make a small detour to meet Azmagollellos, the dreaded black dragon.  

This is an adventure that has the heroes become the saviors of Strasterton and many other small settlements. They shall be the main authors in the eradication of the cult. However, they could meet the dragon's rage if they are not careful. The options are many, but one thing is certain. The poor people of Strasterton need the characters' valuable help to get rid of the nefarious Swamp Dragon Cult.

Collaborator - Maps 'N' Quests

Hi, and thanks for stopping by to take a look at my primary hobby. On this page, you're going to find a lot of free maps, but even better maps when you become a patron. So, if you want the primo stuff, be a patron - pretty easy right? Otherwise, new maps will generally release on Sunday nights (EST), though I will occasionally post some sneak peeks before then. I also won't charge my patrons more than 4 times a month - if I do something above and beyond that, then my patrons get it at no charge. None. Zip. Zilch. Otherwise, you'll get charged at the end of the month/beginning of the next for each map drop.

Join us on the creation of awesome adventures and maps here on Patreon!



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