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639 The God Emperor's Vault

In The God-Emperor's Vault, a group of level 5 adventurers finds themselves in the middle of political intrigue and an empire that slowly tears itself apart after a cowardly man with a weak heart inherits the throne. Faraway territories already plot to become independent or wage open war against the weak emperor.

Giada, the court mage, has escaped the palace with a piece of valuable information. There was once a long-living emperor more than a thousand years ago that wielded a magical scepter that was supposed to unify the realm and give power to the ruler. She claims to know where the scepter is hidden. A group of valiant adventurers follows this mage to an ancient crypt to retrieve the fabled artifact.

This adventure takes the heroes to an ancient vault from a far-gone era, pits them against the immortal guardians of the emperor, and gives them the power to seek and make a humble, fair person the next emperor of the realm.

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640 The Green Lotus Cult

In The Yellow Lotus Cult, a group of level 2 adventurers is hired to rescue a noble's daughter that was convinced to join an evil cult. Those who join drink a strange concoction brewed with a hallucinogenic flower, the yellow lotus. After drinking it, the cult members are subject to the leader's commands. They are zealous participants in evil rituals and strange ceremonies.

The adventurers track the cult down to their lair. It is well-defended by the deluded cult members. The cult leader follows the orders and whims of a strange demonic entity that slowly gives him more power so he can one day perform a grand summoning ritual to let the demon enter the Material Plane. That event is far on the horizon since the adventurers shall soon thwart the cult's plans.

This adventure takes the heroes to a cult lair, pits them against a squad of drugged cultists, and allows them to stop the plans of an extraplanar demonic entity.

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641 Order of Ruby Masks

In The Order of the Ruby Masks, a group of adventurers learns about the civil unrest and distrust that the people of Lythen feel toward the rulers of their city. One of them in particular, named Oskar Wilhelm, is a man whose ambition drove him to do foul things and become a criminal of the city he is supposed to protect.

For decades, Oskar has used the money he inherited from his wealthy parents, who also worked in politics. He hired people from all kinds of fields and together, they built a secret hideout under the city, accessible only through a teleportation circle in the sewers. The Order of the Ruby Masks has been a prominent criminal faction for many, many years.

This is an adventure that brings the heroes to the heart of a criminal hideout. There, they must fight their way through the members of the order and find Oskar. When the heroes find the vault of the order, the amount of treasure could persuade them, and tempt them just like it did with Oskar...

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642 Ode to Greed

In Ode to Greed, a group of adventurers is hired by a renowned knight's daughter to seek her father in an abandoned mine after a group of prospectors went missing. Her father went to look for the missing men and fell prey to an ancient elvish artifact that clouded his mind. The knight now keeps watch by the caverns and threatens to slay anyone who dares approach.

When the characters explore the caverns, they find an ancient, dilapidated ruin where elves from a bygone era created an artifact that deludes men's minds and manipulates their desires. If the characters are resilient enough to withstand the eerie song that the artifact produces, they may escape the ruin with their lives.

This is an adventure that brings the heroes to an uncharted elvish ruin, pits them against ancient magic that is designed to manipulate mankind's mind and gives them a chance to earn a valuable ally in their adventures to come.

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