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In 636 The Equilibrium Apparatus, a group of level-1 just out-of-the-box adventurers Learn of a strange dungeon where many say there is a large treasure within. For those who are well versed in legends, they know there is an ancient taboo in drow culture that forbids duplication magic. It is said that the elvish crypt contains the secret of a heretic individual and their creations that broke this taboo.

When the characters explore the forsaken tomb, they soon learn that one of the last members of the once-powerful elvish family, Avrana Daoffin, broke the duplication taboo and created an eldritch device capable of truly duplicating any object and even living beings. The characters gain access to this powerful object, but the plundering of this grave and the misuse of the magical device may earn them the enmity of powerful forces in the Underworld.

This adventure takes the heroes to an ancient elvish tomb, confronts them with the first real challenge of their adventuring life, and provides access to a mighty artifact that may well be out of their possibility to control the consequences of.

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Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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