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Denizens of the Tower! This adventure supplement is a special collaboration with another Patreon creator we feel fortunate to call a friend, Diana Muñoz. For this adventure, Diana has provided two amazing maps to enhance the feel of this supplement. We invite you to check out Diana Muñoz's page.

In The Library of Lost Knowledge, a group of level-6 adventurers must reach a fabled location. It is said that this ancient elvish library has the answers to many of the mysteries and questions of the universe. The heroes need to come to find crucial information that shall help them continue a larger quest or campaign.

To find the library, they must traverse miles of snow. The cavern of a frost giant is the only remaining place where the elvish repository may be accessed. The heroes must befriend or scare the giant away to enter. They ignore that the giant needs their help in fact. He wishes to track and find his kin after getting stranded for a long time.

This level 6 adventure brings the heroes to the frozen tundra, tests their wits before a frost giant, and gives them the possibility of discovering crucial information to continue their quests.

I appreciate your support. Because of your awesome support, we can make keep producing art, written content, and TTRPG-related stuff! Once again, we invite you to check out Diana Muñoz's page here. He's got lots of cool goodies!

Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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