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Denizens of the Tower! This adventure supplement is a special collaboration with another Patreon creator we feel fortunate to call a friend, Miska Fredman. For this adventure, Miska has provided two cool maps to enhance the feel of this supplement. We invite you to check out Miska's page where he shares sci-fi maps (and fantasy ones soon).

In Blossoming Death, a group of level-7 adventurers is hired to get rid of plant monstrosities coming out from the sewers. The heroes and their employers ignore where these monsters come from. The experiments of a mad scientist named Matby Bilsen went too far and he created a new kind of sentient creature. These bone-plants refused to do his bidding and obey him. Frustrated, he hid in the sewers to create a less intelligent version of them, and he succeeded. The mindless monsters are the real danger. Snowdrop, and the other sentient bone-plants call themselves the Barkvory race and want peace.

The heroes enter the dungeon ignoring all this. And they were hired to eliminate all kinds of threats they find. They may draw their weapons when they see Snowdrop's spooky appearance. Or perhaps a druid or ranger in the group may intercede on their behalf. The sentient plants will try to parley if the characters allow it. Their decisions might determine the survival or the end of a new kind of creature.

This is a level 7 encounter adventure about seeking renown in the city by taking on a dangerous quest, tracking down an elusive mage/druid, and encountering a strange kind of sentient plant/bone race. Let's go on an adventure!

I appreciate your support. Because of your awesome support, we can make keep producing art, written content, and TTRPG-related stuff! Once again, we invite you to check out Miska's page here. He's got lots of cool goodies!

Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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