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Traveler! This adventure tells the story of Joseph Hargen. A winemaker who worked for decades to improve his wine with no success. He simply was not born for this profession. Regardless, his efforts were honest and he was a hard-working person. People laughed and laughed at his failures. He was the target of many inside jokes in town. After years, the constant abuse drove him bitter, mad, and depressed.

One day, a man named Darathos offered him a solution. The alchemist and mage took advantage of the winery's location to exert his own plans and please Joseph's desire for vengeance. With a foul spell, the mage cursed many kegs and barrels of wine. People who drank it turned into harmless ducks! Most of the guards in the city were victims of this so outside help is needed!

This is a level 4 adventure with a bit of exploration, investigation of a winery in the wild, and a confrontation with the worst of humanity's hubris and degeneracy! Here's a low-def preview of this illustration:

Here's a close-up of Joseph Hargen's house and the winemaking workshop beside it. The chamber contains five large fermentation vats near a loading bay.

Down under the winery, a foul mage and alchemist has set up shop and prepared a foul poison for the Golden Vintage wine. Those who drink it shall turn into harmless avian creatures permanently. Or so he claims!

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