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Denizens of the Tower!  This is a dungeon-crawling map of an underground crypt or mausoleum. This publication is not part of the Dungeon Vault Magazine compilation. Instead, it belongs to an adventure published in the DM's Guild called "A Reward for the Valorous". Here's the BLURB:

In A Reward for the Valorous, a group of level-3 characters learns about an ancient elvish crypt that was recently unearthed by miner prospectors. Some of the unfortunate miners lost their lives in the discovery when they encountered the ageless guardians in the underground compound. The gossip in town has put on alert several mercenary companies and treasure-hunters. All claim that the treasures in that ancient vault must be worth the risk!

Unknown to most is the fact that the place was built eons ago by the ancestors of today's elves. The elver race of yore had its time of glory but it inevitably passed. A grandiose relic from that era is interred in the crypt. It is a legendary weapon known as the Sapphire Blade. This is a sentient artifact that belonged to an elvish knight. A phantom manifestation of the elvish knight now protects the blade and shall challenge all those who venture into the crypt to a duel to the death. Even in the afterlife, the elf knight cannot surrender the blade to a new owner.

This is a level 3 adventure with a bit of exploration, combat, and the discovery of an ancient crypt! Check out your inbox. We've sent you a download code for this adventure as a one-time gift. Thank you for your support!

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Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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