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Merry Holidays Traveler! Witches' Lookout is a level 6 adventure. Kegan City and Derry Forest have coexisted for many decades. This has caused the inhabitants of both worlds to mix and blend. A witch that lived in the woods for years yearned the company of more of her kind. Having all the time in the world she kidnapped two girls and formed a coven after raising them as her own and turning them into foul hags like herself...

The newly-formed coven spent lots of time and resources but managed to build a lookout just beyond the edge of their forest. They created a magical place of power on the lookout. With this arcane device, they performed a ritual that keeps Kegan City's citizens sleep-deprived due to horrible nightmares. The city is at the brink of collapse, someone must do something to fix the state of affairs!

This is a level 6 adventure with a bit of exploration, combat, and exploration of a 30x30 squares magical location! Here's a low-def preview of this illustration:

Here's a close-up of the region of Darry Forest where the lookout is located. The characters must traverse the depths of the forest to reach this area.

On the highest part of the lookout, the witches built an arcane device capable of piercing the fabric of dreams and causing terrible nightmares in all people in Kegan City. This device must be either controlled or destroyed if peace is to ever return to the large settlement.

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<p style="color: #008600;">Thanks for providing close-ups of all parts of the Witches' Lookout. I like it! Great job as always!</p>


Thank you for the nice comment VitAnya. We appreciate it. Do you play D&D 5e? or a different system?