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Traveler! In Rolling in the Deep, a group of level-4 adventurers visits Green Shore Hamlet after learning of the atrocities that happened there. A band of ravaging, blood-thirsty sahuagin captured some of their fishermen, leaving fear and uncertainty in its poor place...

The characters track the sahuagin back to their lair. They must find a way to overcome the challenges of swimming underwater and the darkness of the caverns. Glu'Dur'Boog, the leader of the sahuagin, has the power of Targul, an otherworldly entity that demands countless human sacrifices. Not even the heroes are safe in here...

This adventure starts in a small hamlet where half the population is injured and scared. They were just raided by a group of blood-thirsty sahuagin:

The characters track the culprits to a place called Trident Beach. A dozen rusted spears keep sailors at bay. The sahuagin have a secret ally in the depths as well:

Deep underwater, the characters find the entrance to the sahuagin lair and a shrine to Targul, their newfound god. This might be the biggest challenge the characters have ever faced. Will they make it out alive?

For this adventure, we've also added an isometric illustration of the sahuagin's submerged lair. It's got two levels of the dungeon where the final showdown occurs:

If you're one of our patrons, thank you! You can find your reward here Rolling in the Deep - Full Adventure.

Otherwise, you can purchase the adventure directly here!

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Isaac Remnant

Adele, eat your heart out!


We've titled our last 5-6 adventures after popular songs. The next one is Dust in the Wind.