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Traveler! The renowned paladin Arthur Stevens has become corrupted by a demonic entity behind the great obsidian mask. Possessed by this demon, Sir Arthur commands the loyalty of many companions and religious individuals as they make their newly-born cult grow. In the depths of the House of the Obsidian Masks, the characters confront the deluded paladin and his lackeys. The demon from the mask may well emerge and reveal its true nature. Defeating this being once and for all may release the paladin and his companions from servitude. The characters have no way to know what will happen next.

The map above is included with DM, player, and roll20 versions for our AWESOME SUPPORTERS on Patreon.

This is going to be featured in our upcoming adventure Living on a Prayer, to be released on July 31st. Here's the cover for this adventure. This is a 30x30 squares Roll20 map!

Here's a close-up of a section of the dungeon where a large pool of crystal-clear water is. Is it safe to drink?:

The chamber of the great obsidian mask is here. Ten smaller masks lie on the floor next to it. Who do they represent? Is there a soul within them?

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