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Denizens of the Tower!

A strange community of stray people, misfits, criminals, and other outcasts has found a home deep under the city in the natural cavern system under the large settlement. They call this place the crystal commune. They have a harsh, difficult life down there but the problems expected are somewhat alleviated by the inventions of a local misfit inventor. He created a system that provides artificial magical light throughout the cavern. He competes with a local cult of fanatics that self-named as The Commoners that often attempt to conduct rituals and strange religious ceremonies as they find their place in the cultist spectrum.

Problems arose recently when The Commoners acquired a ritual book of unknown origin and their leader tried to perform a summoning ritual that resulted in a fluke (what a surprise). The result of the mishap was a strange obelisk-like structure that appeared in the middle of the underground town and destroyed the buildings around it. A pool of acid poured from the obelisk's surface and gave birth to terrible oozing creatures that consume everything they touch. Now they are in dire need of a group of valiant warrior that can help.

We keep our monthly exploration of the Delve format we've tried. I'll ready up a poll post soon to know your overall take on this attempt to replicate the 4e's adventure style. I can't wait to hear your opinions on this subject for the future of our written publications.

Thanks for your support and to those who recently subscribed to our page. Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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