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Denizens of the Tower!

This adventure is about a small fishing settlement where the fishermen have been attacked frequently over the past few weeks. Four of them have gone missing recently. It is all the fault of a school of kuo-toa fanatics that look for living human sacrifices. The fish folk recently found an ancient temple to an obscure entity called Dagon. In its sanctum, they conduct dark rituals and sacrifices to gain the favor of the Old One.

The sailors know the place where the kuo-toa can be found but no one dares approach. The fish folk fight fiercely with a bloodthirst only matched by sharks. Townspeaker Challa has offered a considerable bounty contract to incentivize mercenaries and adventurers to take on this task. Only a group of strong adventurers can expect to return from this quest alive.

This map is included in several formats, DM, PC, B/W versions, and Roll20. Read the attached PDF for more information on the lore and encounters. This is a fun one-shot to try.

This release is made available to all thanks to the support of our patrons. If you'd love to see how this plays out, consider joining our Patreon page for future updates.

Thanks for your support this month. We appreciate it wholeheartedly. Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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