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Denizens of the Tower!

Today I bring you the story of a terrible massacre in the Church of Golden Petal. Unknown to all present, a terrible necromancer from four-hundred years ago promised to return to exact his vengeance on the living, in particular, the three druids that defeated him. The townsfolk were celebrating a religious ritual when the undead came from the crypts below and feated on their flesh. The townspeaker sent a few town guards yesterday to investigate and they have not returned. Now they fear the worst. The townspeaker has announced a bounty to rescue whoever is still alive and recover the church from the undead.

The short adventure comes in pretty PDF format as usual and it includes all the maps to run it. Roll20 version included too.

Thanks for supporting us this month! We appreciate it. It is thanks to you that we are able to continue creating awesome adventures and fantasy location maps.

Until the next one,

Elven Tower.



Bruce Meyer

Not sure if you meant "feasted" or "feeted". The later would mean the dead walked all over them...LOL


I meant the first lol. btw, are you asking because there's a typo or it's not the correct way to say it?