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Hello, Denizens of the Tower.

I had far a stronger response for the survey than I expected. Eighty people participated and these are the results.

1. Geography will be heavily forested, strong mountain ranges, and near a coastline.

2.Settlements: one big capital, several cities, and lots of villages.

3.Name: Ardennia, Bastion of the West

4. Government is a Monstruocracy!

5. Lots of comments about stuff to be included. I can't name them all here since there are 38 suggestions. I'll try to squeeze in the most I can in the regional and the subsequent maps.

Now since we have a monster ruling the kingdom. I want to know what monster you think fits best this scenario. I think it'd be cool if the monster openly does this. But do leave a comment if you think the ruler should be a secret few people know. So, what monster fits best, or leave a comment with a suggestion.


John Buczek

Heavy Forested points to a Dryad/Treant for me. And come ON folks! Don't do the stereotypical Dragon Overlord! Let's have a little more uniqueness. :)


I think it would be interesting to have an Oni having replaced the King in secret (since they are shapeshifters), but people are starting to notice odd behavioral changes.


For the listed choices, I picked dragon, but not for a cliched brute; instead, have one that has made the considered decision that the best way to increase its horde is to efficiently rule a prosperous kingdom; the more everyone makes, the more taxes come in! 😉


It would really be kind of cool that the kingdom is run by a front monster and behind the scenes is really ran by bigfoot.


I like the Dryad / Treant handling all the Branches of government. Awakened tree sentinels watching who arrives and leaves. Awakened plants helping root out crime and criminals. Would give "planted" evidence new meaning.


Not listed, but I always, ALWAYs love a Mindflayer. I love the idea of a Mindflayer who has co-opted an otherwise pacifist drudic community. And if you need more convincing seriously check out their lore info in was it Volo's? and the DMG ofc.

Lodewijk Boute

If you refer at those few renegade Illithids that develop a healthy respect and relationship for non-Illithid lifeforms (because they are no longer under the unifying influence of an elder brain); it is indeed in Volo’s Guide to Monsters, page 72-73.

Bruce Meyer

Why not a dragon? It could be one who's in disguise as a human and no one knows who he or she is. An advisor or some kind of rival could be the Dryad . They know of each other's secrets but do not want others to know about them. The Dragon is trying to keep a promise to someone who died for them (or because of them) and is hoping to lead this kingdom to better days. The Dryad OTOH is much more diabolical and is basically blackmailing the dragon into not revealing who she really is. If the dragon is found out it could be disastrous for the entire kingdom.


If we're going heavily forested, I think it has to be the Dryad/Treant!

Lodewijk Boute

I also went with Dryad/Treant, though some other powerful Fey creature could also do the trick. An angle could be that one of those Fey creatures had to leave/flee the Feywild, was banished, or left of its own volition for reason X or Y. Needing a purpose in its life, it started with a small community and over time grew into a kingdom. This could not have been the original plan or wish of the Fey creature in question, but it happened despite anything else, leaving the Fey creature as a monarch (willing or not). In real life, kingdoms also started as very small communities and sometimes even as a single village or a city state or a small county.

Lodewijk Boute

Also, using a Dryad or other Fey as the pivotal role for running a kingdom is quite refreshing and something rarely used. I am not an expert in Magic, but the Ravnica-setting has a community that is built around a Dryad (of sorts). Let’s blow it up to kingdom sized proportions with an entire bureaucracy behind it. I do see the appeal of using a dragon -metallic or chromatic- as a ruler. They are very powerful and majestic creatures, with a natural propensity for dominion (benevolent or otherwise), but they are to often used in that capacity; at least in my humble opinion. So, going overboard with a Dryad -a creature rarely used as a “ruler”- and her court could be novel, fresh and very fun.

Ricardo de Almeida Abrahamsohn

I like Beholders because they are devious and ruthless but Lamia Matriarchs would also work well for the same reasons.