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Hello Denizens of the Tower

This illustration features a wizard's tower. The evil man does not pose a threat to mankind or anyone the adventurers may care about, but he experiments with sentient water creatures. These are the sentient nautili, a mostly unknown variant of nautilus with telepathic powers. The innocent creatures do not have what's needed to save themselves. Will some brave warriors help overthrow this wizard and save the weak nautili?

The usual image variations are included and the adventure in PDF format. Have fun trying out the ideas. I also included the statblock for a psionic nautilus. Only the PDF of this release is made public for promotion purposes (in a different post)

Have fun in your RPG games, my friends.

Elven Tower



Bradley Hawkes

I'm not sure if it is an error on my side but trying to download 144/145/146 returns a "not found" and wont download


Thanks for the heads up again, bradley. I'm getting the same error, I don't know why. I'll wait for tomorrow, maybe it's a patreon error. If not, I'll reupload those.